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The Philippines social network has been weaponized by bots to spread fake news

Rappler explains how social media in the Philippines is shaping its political climate drastically due to the spread of fake news through the networks on Facebook in order to “Weaponise the Internet”. Specifically, during the election in 2016, President Duterte’s Campaign used fake accounts, trolls and bots to take over the social network of the […]

Scammers and Search Engine Optimization

Article Here As someone who needs background sounds to study, I have taken to various genres of videos on YouTube in the past few years for casual listening while working. Recently, I have found several creators (Jim Browning, Kitboga) who educate viewers about various types of scammers by calling them, gaining access to their computers […]

Matching Games and the Race to Produce COVID-19 Vaccines

“How Pfizer Will Distribute Its Vaccine (It’s Complicated” is an interesting look into the pharmaceutical industry and also has a certain resemblance to matching and other game theory patterns we’ve seen in the past. Not only have different pharmaceutical companies been competing for months in order to develop a safe and reliable vaccine but there […]

GSP & VCG Use in Tech Companies

After learning about GSP and VCG I began to wonder what companies use these concepts and why they choose one or the other. Considering the fact that Google and Facebook are two of the biggest platforms that generate ad revenue, I thought it would be interesting to look into further what each platform uses in […]

Cascades and Collegetown Housing

Collegetown housing causes widespread panic to Cornell students every year. Students rush to sign leases for apartments in early September, barely even a month after the school year has begun. This article discusses one renting company in particular who has all their future tenants sign a lease on the same day. The goal of this […]

Information Cascades Take Over In Leadership Vacuum Over Wearing a Mask In the still-unfolding struggle to contain the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, the personal decision to wear a mask or not to wear a mask is indeed ‘the’ question. In the early days of the scattered national response to the crisis, the way information was being accumulated, processed, and acted upon was an example of what […]

Information Cascades and “Stop the Steal”

In terms of information cascades, we can think about President Trump and his supporters as a group of people. President Trump is the first person who has some private signal – given his signal, he decides that the election has been stolen and that election fraud has occurred. His son, Donald Trump Jr. is the […]

Information Cascades and Filter Bubbles

How Filter Bubbles Distort Reality: Everything You Need to Know In our discussion about information cascades, we discussed how once a few people have made decisions it is difficult for others not to follow suit. I think that this concept comes into play in filter bubbles, or information bubbles, that we often see on social […]

Reverse Network Effects: Can a Social Media App Have too Many Users?

Source: Every social media company knows the importance of building its user count; it’s a principle based on the phenomenon known as network effects. As a new social media app grows in popularity, Its value increases leading to more people joining the site. Sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram have skyrocketed in numbers […]

Various Types of Users Influence Network Effects

The Dynamics of Network Effects In class we learned about network effects–how a company’s network or product becomes more valuable as more people use it. A company that’s able to have its product get past the tipping point and gain many users over time usually becomes a large player in whatever industry the product is […]

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November 2020
