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TikTok: The Platform of Opportunity. How TikTok Challenges the Concept of Endorsements on the Web.

How TikTok’s recommendation algorithm works against the algorithms commonly used by other social media platforms–thus, giving smaller accounts a chance. This article provides a thorough explanation of TikTok’s recommendation algorithm so that influencers and marketers can understand the platform better and subsequently gain more popularity.    The Algorithm   TikTok utilizes an algorithm that refines its […]

The Dominant Strategy in a Cooking Show: How optimizing auction choices can you help a chef win in Cutthroat Kitchen

Link: This article, written about Alyssa Koeck, discusses a study on how game theory and strategies are utilized within the TV show “Cutthroat Kitchen”. The article focuses on game theory, specifically on certain auction strategies, and how it can help an individual win on the Cutthroat Kitchen gameshow.  Cutthroat Kitchen is a cooking competition […]

Friends of friends: are indirect connections in social networks important to animal behaviour?

We refer to indirect connections as friend of a friend (or enemy of an enemy) relationships, and as we discussed in class, several studies show that they can directly affect our well-being, health, financial success and ability to find a job. These connections can stretch up to multiple degrees of separation, and they are ultimately […]

The Success of Slack & Network Effects

Slack, a real-time collaboration app and platform, has seen significant growth over the past year, primarily due to the inescapable shift to remote work; for reference, this past February, it was reported that IBM would deploy Slack to all of its 350,000 employees. A platform that I have never utilized or found useful before COVID-19, […]

Network Effect on Uber’s Delivery and Ride Services

Links to online resources: The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the operations and revenues of Uber. While quarantines and lockdowns prevent people from going outside, Uber’s mobility business, such as Uber Ride, has been adversely affected by the lack of users. Although the mobility business is better than a few months […]

Blogging Calendar

November 2020
