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A Unique Resiliency Among Journal Indicators: Pinski-Narin Influence Weights (IWs) & Self-Citations

Eugene Garfield’s Journal Impact Factor (JIF) has become the global currency for an academic journal’s scientific standing, serving as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. This metric is derived from the total number of citations of all its eligible articles published during the previous two years divided by the […]

Using PageRank to Predict Sports Game Wins

In class, we discussed PageRank as being like a “fluid” in that it flows throughout the network and collects at the nodes, or pages, that are most important. PageRank operates by quantifying the number and quality of links to a page find out how important that page is. Thus, more important webpages are likely to […]

The Stock Market and Network Structure

Links: Network, especially network structure, is highly applicable to a lot of common things in the real world. In A network perspective of the stock market, the authors investigate the links between each stock and attempt to construct a large network made up of stocks that influence each other in United States. I will […]

Google Search Monopoly The justice department has a lawsuit against google recently for its monopoly power. Justice department says that Google had a deal with apple to have all apple devices have their default engine set as Google’s search engine. Apple also derives 1/5 of their revenue due to their collaboration with Google according to the article. […]

Blogging Calendar

October 2020
