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Web Searches, The Filter Bubble Phenomenon, And The Search For Truth   This evening I attended the lecture “Democracy, Today: Fake News, Social Networks, and Algorithms” given by Northeastern Professor David Lazer.Professor Lazer began the lecture by describing knowledge as a network phenomenon: we have little direct knowledge about the world, instead acquiring most of our knowledge through a network of informational influences. Clusters […]

Google on How to Rank Category Pages

Source: Google on How to Rank Category Pages Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller talks about how Google ranks a category page over a product page by “making sure that the category page is well-linked within your website”. Here are some of the key advice he gave in the article by Roger Montti: Optimize […]

Twitter Ad Revenue Despite user growth, Twitter’s ad revenue for the third quarter failed to meet expectations. According to Twitter CFO Ned Segal, the main factor the issue may be attributed to is an issue with its Mobile Application Promotion (MAP) product, specifically in its product and personalization data settings. This relates to the concept of targeted […]

Hulu Turns on Private Marketplace as Ad Buyers See a Recent Abundance of Supply

Link: Hulu is one of the go-to video streaming sites due to its wealth of digital video inventory available for its subscribers. Peterson’s article analyzes implications of Hulu opening a “new private marketplace (PMP) for advertisers and agencies to programmatically purchase video ads running across the streaming service’s on-demand and live TV inventory” (Peterson).  […]

Google Search Results Sometimes Link to Fraudulent Sites   Google has come under fire recently for directing shoppers to fraudulent websites that sell fake items. Many of these sites are linked to on the first page of search results, among Google’s top recommended results. In some cases, as high as 60 percent of links on the first page of results for a […]

Network Exchange Experiment using Tariffs   Wilbur Ross has hinted at new talks with the EU over a previous threat to raise tariffs on automotive imports for the month of November. Ross says Donald Trump has the option to choose how he will negotiate for the tariffs, and whether he will do something, or not act on the threat […]

The Psychology of Clickbait

In this article, Wired discusses why internet users are so drawn to clickbait. One aspect that is a clear reason why clickbait works is due to the role that emotion takes in our decision making processes. The degree in which our emotional levels are heightened during an interaction affects our clicking habits. Clickbait articles tap […]

Google Searches and Brexit

A study was recently done on Google searches on phrases relating to Brexit. There was a strong bias towards pro-EU results, however. Of all of the top results, 29.4 percent were from BBC, which has been found in the past to be anti-Brexit. The other top results also include news companies that are biased toward […]

Quora Gives Advertisers Ad Auction Analysis.

Quora rolled out keyword targeting for its advertising platform. Keyword targeting allows advertisers to bid on the keywords they’re targeting. Advertisers have the option to target close variations of keywords, target the exact keywords, and exclude words where they do not want their ads to be shown. Quora also launched Auction Insights, which would give […]

Facebook Click-Gap   One of the most popular and successful online social media platforms, Facebook, noticed a lot of its in-site advertisements were violating the program’s policies. So, they implemented a new algorithm to track website popularity. Facebook is using the data of the site to understand the system of sites that it is connected […]

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October 2019
