Hinge: Dating Suggestions through Matching Algorithms
Article: https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/11/hinge-employs-new-algorithm-to-find-your-most-compatible-match-for-you/ Background: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15251-f10/Site/Materials/Lectures/Lecture21/lecture21.pdf Hinge, a newcomer to the dating app game, introduced a new feature called “Most Compatible”, suggesting a single person that the app believes is a more suitable match for you compared to a random match. This concept is related to our class discussion of matching, as the application implements a form […]
Prisoner’s dilemma shows exploitation is a basic property of human society
In this article, “Prisoner’s dilemma shows exploitation is a basic property of human society” (https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613585/prisoners-dilemma-shows-how-exploitation-is-a-basic-property-of-human-society/), the psychology behind humans exploiting each other is explained. Additionally, game theororists, Fujimotoa and Kaneko, explain how it is possible to maintain and execute an exploitative relationship. The main example that they used to explain this was say there are […]
Game Theory Between The U.S. and China
Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-08-14/the-u-s-and-china-navigate-a-trade-war-with-no-winners Before taking this class, I have totally no idea about game theory. I have learned that game theory is used to determine whether the strategic actions of players affect each other in a fundamental way. Game theory can be used to analyze everything, for example, the recent trade war between the U.S. and […]
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00355-017-1067-3 “We use Facebook to schedule protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” ~ Anonymous Cairo Activist. In a regime chaired by an authoritarian government, it is not uncommon to be awakened from an opportune two-minute snooze. Even in democratic countries, citizens cry with regret as they curse the crippled […]
Flaws in the Logic of Pascal’s Wager
https://www.iep.utm.edu/pasc-wag/ The article above explains the logic behind one of the most popular applications of game theory: Pascal’s wager. This idea was developed by the physicist Blaise Pascal in the 1600s, and through this idea, Pascal argues that it is most optimal for people to believe in God. In Pascal’s wager, he mentions that […]
How Game Theory Explains Why Fast Food Restaurants are Always So Close to Each Other
Source: https://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2012/10/23/why-are-mcdonalds-and-burger-king-usually-located-near-each-other-fast-food-location-game-theory/ The article, “Why are McDonald’s and Burger King usually located near each other? Fast food location game theory” by Presh Talalkar discusses why fast food restaurants compete next to each other so often. Talalkar sets up a game using hypothetical values and rewards to show that sharing profits with nearby restaurants is more […]
The Plague Network
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep43467 The spread of the bubonic plague in the 14th century can be understood better by taking a look at European and Asian cities and their interconnectedness through network theory. In this network, nodes are cities, and edges connecting cities are either trade routes or pilgrimage routes. The plague is thought to have begun […]
Google Adopting a First Price Auctions System
https://marketingland.com/google-shares-details-on-how-first-price-auctions-in-google-ad-manager-will-work-260830 Google Ad Manager is changing its current second-price auction pricing mechanism to a first-price system. A first price system would mean that instead of paying the price of the second-highest bid, bidders will now have to pay the price that they bid. The second-price system has been used successfully in the Programmatic Ad industry […]
Politics and Game Theory
Source: https://www.salon.com/2019/09/20/donald-trump-and-game-theory-expert-says-no-brilliant-3-d-chess-is-involved/ This article details an interview between Salon news source and NYU Game Theory Scholar Steven Brams discussing President Trump’s mentality throughout his presidency in terms of game theory. For example, Brams mentions the fact that Trump has been incredibly unpredictable and untrustworthy even to his own advisors. Brams attempts to explain and […]
NBA Trades and Auction Theory
https://fansided.com/2019/08/01/nylon-calculus-nba-trades-auction-theory/ In class, we discussed the auction theory and the four different types of auction: ascending, descending, first-price, and second price. I read an article that discussed the two types of auction – first-price and second-price – and how the NBA (National Basketball Association) and the trading of players exemplify the auction theory. The main […]
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