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Golden Balls: The Strategic Act of Betrayal (Game Theory)

Golden Balls is a British game show that brings out the deceitfulness within its contestants. Up until the final around, players build up a jackpot that, in the end, two finalists compete for. In this final round, the jackpot can either be taken by one person or split between the two; the outcome is decided […]

Quantity vs Quality?

Quantity vs Quality? I am not a big user of Bing, but accidentally stumbled upon and searched on it several times. I remember one time I was trying to search for restaurants to visit in Tokyo with my friends and accidentally went on Bing, while my friend searched it on Google. It was a little […]

Twitter builds ads in days

With Google and Facebook as key players in the digital advertisement realm, Twitter has released a series of video deals with brands that have influential reach, such as NBA, MLB, and Buzzfeed, in order to reintroduce itself to this advertising community. Videos are growing in popularity as forms of advertisements, as they are more exciting […]

The Combinatorial Clock Auction In this article the writer describes a very complex auction that is used in selling wireless and broadcast spectrum. This type of auction involves initial multi-round stage of bidders publicly declaring their interest in bundled packages of spectrum at different price points, followed by a second round of sealed bids. Since it’s first use […]

Google Plans to Share Revenues with News Publishers Google has launched a new model similar to its advertising revenue model to match up potential subscribers to newspapers and magazines that offer digital subscription. Google will use information it has on its users based on searches and clicked links to match each one up to outlets they might be interested in. Part of […]

How second-price auction can create headaches for publishers

A central advantage of a second-price auction, as opposed to a first-price auction, is that it is truthful as rational bidders bid their own, true evaluation of the object. Second-price auction is widely preferred because they encourage buyers to bid the true value that worth to them and end up paying a discount on what […]

Nash Bargaining in Relationships

In the July 2017 Time article, “This One Simple Tool Could Save Your Relationship,” Chris Wilson proposes an application of Nash Bargaining to solve a common relationship problem: deciding what to spend money on. The game Wilson describes is a couple deciding to indulge in a spending splurge, but the two partners not agreeing on […]

Silicon Valley – PageRank and Search Engine Scrubbing Though fictional in nature, HBO’s hit comedy Silicon Valley is often lauded for its thorough research and true-to-form depiction of today’s tech industry, nailing details from technical procedures to valley fashion. When Gavin Belson, CEO of the fictional Google-inspired Hooli, starts getting flack for his poor decision making and failing pursuits, he attempts to […]

How to Improve Your Website’s Google Ranking This article focuses on seven different tips to improve your website’s “Google Rank,” or how high up in a google search a certain site appears. It is important to focus on keyword phrases, or a subject for a page, that look natural. The point is to speak like a human in the subject line […]

How Demonetization of YouTube Videos is Hurting Content Creators

There is no doubt that there are plenty of videos on YouTube that would not be deemed as appropriate for viewing by general audiences. In light of this, YouTube has been sticking to a policy known as demonetization. The idea of demonetization is that advertisements do not get shown on videos that are deemed inappropriate […]

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October 2017
