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The New Tailor Ads

Everybody knows about Google.

Google is one of the largest internet companies in the world and also the largest and most powerful search engine that is just essentially to people’s everyday life. Throughout the course of this semester, we learned about search engines, the mechaisisms behind it, and the ways that it generates revenue through selling adversitment spots. In this case of Google AdWords and the majority of the “traditional” search engines, it is quite easy to understand how they generate revenue through paid search on keywords and bid optimizations. However, with the raise of the social media, businesses developed new ways to do advertisement through platforms like Facebook. Although the two platforms, mainly Google and Facebook, are often positioned as competiors, they do provide businesses with different services and prespectives. Unlike paid search that Google uses, which helps businesses find new customers via keywords, the “paid social” concept that Facebook uses to help users to find businesses based on the things they’re interested in and the ways in which they behave online.

Similar to Google AdWords, Facebook has a vast global audience. With more than 1.55 billion monthly active users, Facebook has really no rival in the realms of social media platforms. However, rather than using Google AdWords’ method by exposing advertisers and their advertisements to the audience, the strength of Facebook ads lies in the potentials to directly target platform users.

Nowadays, people share almost every aspect of their lives on Facebook. From going to school to meeting a girl, from graduating to getting married, Facebook is the ultimate information hub that contains almost everything, at least enough information, for others to know about that person. In addition, users also search for contents that are usually align with one’s personal interests, beliefs, values, etc. which presented advertisers with unique opportunities to tailor advertising messaging to target the needs of the audience. After the introduction of Facebook, over the last few years this type of “tailor ads” has proved to not only to work, but also to work in an extreamly effective fashion. Therefore, we must constantly remind ourselves the new knowledges and possibilities that the paid-adversitment industry have, and that there are still much to be done in search for ways to price, allocate, and revenue-maximize the new “tailor ads”.


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