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Twitter Adds New “Who To Follow” Tab

The dominantĀ social networking site, Twitter, has just updated their mobile appsĀ to include a “Who To Follow” section on all homepages. This new section will show users other accounts they might be interested in following, very similarly to how Facebook has their “People You May Know” page. As Roberto Baldwin states in his Engadget article covering […]

Network Structures of Terrorist Cells The link above links to a paper by Valdis Krebs, a researcher on organizational network analysis, discussing the many network properties of the covert networks of the terrorists of the September 11 attacks. The paper discusses the structure of the networks, taking information and data found in subsequent news articles about the attacks, carefully […]

Disease Networks and Herd Immunity

The use of networks to study the spread of sickness and disease is one of humanity’s greatest health tools. Before the advent of modern vaccinations, measles contagion could cause large networks of disease. Every infected person could spread the disease to multiple others, quickly leading to many sick and dying people. Thankfully, after the measles […]

The Apple, Google, Samsung Structural Balance is changing

With the likelihood that Apple will release a new iPhone in a few weeks, this article mentions that Apple does not only face competition with Androids and companies like Samsung and Google, but also with its own devices. Since many consumers already have iPhones with plenty of capabilities, this can cause a difference in the […]

Game Theory in Sumo Wrestling

The thousand year old sport of sumo wrestling may seem like an unlikely home of corruption through rigged matches, but sumo wrestlers are still human and their greed for money and power overcome their respect for the sport. Analysis of match data and the sumo community network have shown that players often allow a fellow […]

McKinsey on Informal Business Networks

As an economics student, I am very interested in the role of networks in the workplace. I did some searching about how companies can use knowledge of networks to improve their operations, and found an interesting article from the McKinsey Quarterly. The quick gist of the article is that companies who pay attention to how […]

The use of chemical weapons in WW1

100 years ago, a catastrophic war raged in Europe. Both sides of WW1 were able to use new technological advances to gruesome effect, devastating the European countryside and leaving millions dead. Among the many horrors experienced by soldiers fighting on the front were chemical weapons. Chemical weapons were not new to warfare, and this issue […]

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September 2015
