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Google Toolbar PageRank Finally Dead? A fundamental component of Google’s world famous search algorithm relies heavily on the pageranking system in which web pages are ranked based on their scores as web pages.  The score is based on the division of page rank among the different web pages that it may outlink to.  For example, as an official web […]

Probability Test for Ebola Infection Several students have drawn upon the topic of Ebola since its outbreak and transmission is getting more and more uncontrollable.  They mostly probe into the social impact of global networks on its rapid spreading speed, using the structural features of the social networks to reveal the virus’s geological coverage. Learning Bayes Theorem this […]

Cheating the System: Implanting Links to Raise Page Ranks

Source: This segment of a RadioLab episode talks about how order comes about from an undirected group of people. This segment is split into three parts. The first and third parts are interesting, but not immediately applicable to what we’ve been doing in class: the first part is about how the average guesses of […]

Google Hummingbird : NLP, Knowledge Graph and Page Rank Today

The advent of Google’s Page Rank Algorithm created a large industry in Search Engine Optimization, a fancy name for a methodology of strategies that increase visibility of a website in any search engine’s organic results. But the “Search” landscape is making gigantic leaps. Google keeps renewing its search algorithms, to give users a better search […]

Virtual Parasites: Browser Hijacking and Fraud in the Information Age

Today, we can seek pretty much whatever we want through a mouse click.  The proliferation of the Internet has changed the way many of us acquire information.  This has given rise to a plethora of search engines like Google that generate revenue partly by displaying advertisements in their search results, or by linking to them.  […]

Bitcoin Bugs in Tor

Bitcoin is an online transaction system that allows users to transfer and manage funds throughout the Bitcoin network. It is an open source designed for instant global transactions at a zero to minimum transaction fee. Users who go through with Bitcoin transactions enter through using the anonymity of the network Tor. While Tor is an open network […]

Using Graph Analysis for Crime Prevention Analyzing information about something that has already happened in order to find patterns is much more effective than blindly trying to predict future outcomes. The large network of data that is collected and readily available for investigators to use has changed the the face of crime prevention. A man by the name of Valdis […]

Do Advertisers Gain from Sponsored Searches?

In lecture, we have been learning about sponsored searches. Google undeniably gains a big profit from selling its slots for advertisements, but do the receivers receive a significant payoff as well? This question crossed my mind based on personal experience. When searching on Google, I tend to ignore the ads, and go straight to the […]

Sociology and Psychology behind Graph Theory and Social Networks

In “Graph Theory and Social Networks: A technical Comment on Connectedness and Connectivity” by J. A. Barnes, Barnes combines, reiterates, and cites the works of multiple sociologists, graph theorists, and psychologists to create a sort of rudimentary understanding of how we can apply graphs and graph theory to understand the different levels of connection in a […]

Information cascade and buying twitter followers

There have been a whole host of companies that have popped up (like that allow people to buy twitter followers. Basically for a nominal amount of money, around $5, one can buy themselves thousands of “followers.” These followers are sometimes random real people, from all parts of the world, and sometimes just bots, i.e computer […]

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Blogging Calendar

October 2014
