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Is the Internet Taking Over Our Lives?

With the creation and evolution of the internet, more and more people are becoming to its addictive allure.  But what exactly about the internet gives it such a strong pull in today’s society? According to (link below), there are multiple causes that lead to Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), first coined by Dr. Ivan Goldberg in 1995.  ThinkQuest offers a brief look into some symptoms of IAD and causes that lead to great dependency on the internet. Even as I write this blog assignment, I am utilizing the search engine to link me to possible interesting sites. Looking through the ThinkQuest’s listed symptoms, I can honestly say I have severe IAD. Like millions of other internet users, I am pulled in by its social allure and convenience for knowledge. What are some of the causes of internet addiction?

ThinkQuest lists quite a few reasons that lead to IAD. For example, the internet can be used for cyber relationships allowing for people to communicate and reach out to people far away. The internet also creates a mask of anonymity, allowing people to behave quite differently from how they are in everyday real life. Thus, the internet allows people to feel empowered by their online popularity, adopting a personality that can be quite different from the one people show to friends and relatives. Other reasons that ThinkQuest lists for our dependence on the internet is the distribution of knowledge, convenience to everyday life (e.g. shopping, ordering food, etc.), and online social networks. As social creatures, people can utilize the internet to reach out to various social circles and reconnect to old links. They can also use it to expose themselves to different sources of information. All in all, the internet provides a social and educational medium that has a powerful pull, and if not properly managed can lead to psychological, financial, and relationship problems.

If not properly managed, IAD can lead to many problems from no proper time management. These can vary from health problems to psychological dependence, and even to social, financial, and academic problems. While the internet provides a valuable source of information and over usage and addiction can definitely lead to a multitude of problems. This leads to my question: do YOU have internet addiction?



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September 2012
