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Instagram and Teens Study

Photo of Amber Arquilevich

Instagram and Teens Study

My Communication student, Amber Arquilevich, is conducting her honors research project on young people’s perceptions and uses of social media, with a specific focus on Instagram. This research aims to understand how identity is constructed on social media platforms, which can potentially challenge and broaden current discussions about social media’s impact on mental health. By highlighting the role of social media in facilitating positive identity formation and socialization processes, this study underscores the potential for these platforms to contribute to constructive online environments. The findings could provide valuable insights into the governance of digital technologies and inform strategies to enhance their positive impact on society.

We are currently recruiting youth between the ages of 13 and 17 to participate in 45 minute zoom interviews. If you are a teen or parent of a teen who uses Instagram and are interested in participating in the study, please reach out directly to Amber at to sign up or learn more.