Cornell student tells COP23 delegates: ‘Face up to reality’

Provided Etinosa Obanor, representing global youth constituencies, addresses the high-level segment at COP23 on Nov. 16. On the world stage, Etinosa Obanor ’18 minced no words. Representing global youth constituencies at the high-level segment at the Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, Nov. 6-17, the student delivered a…

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Collaboration seeks to reduce health care disparities through technology

Cornell’s Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Global Health and Technology (INSiGHT) is dedicated to “applying modern technological tools to solve nutritional and global health problems.” Its co-founders are Saurabh Mehta, professor of global health, epidemiology and nutrition in the Division of Nutritional Sciences in the College of Human Ecology, and David…

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Carmen Moraru promotes food and agriculture research funding in D.C.

Dan Klotz ’89/Provided Carmen Moraru, professor of food science, speaks during a briefing in the House of Representatives Nov. 2. “How can we improve the safety of the food supply?” asked Cornell food scientist Carmen Moraru. Moraru, professor of food science in Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, joined academic…

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Constitutional scholar to address free speech on campus Nov. 20

Erwin Chemerinsky Controversial speakers and their opponents have entangled campuses across the country in fraught, sometimes violent clashes. When speakers with provocative or biased viewpoints come knocking, should universities welcome them and safeguard their right to speak? Constitutional scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of Berkeley Law at the University of California,…

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Spotlight: MPH Faculty in Local and Regional Food Systems

Local & Regional Food Systems Strengthening Collaborations across Campus, County and Community Strengthening Connection: Who We Are. To catalyze collaboration and strengthen our impact, we are taking some time to get to know our LRFS network and are sharing what we learn. Each month we will spotlight a handful of…

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Chris Barrett talks food aid to D.C. policymakers

Provided Chris Barrett speaks at a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute Oct. 19 in Washington, D.C. Congress can change the United States’ international food aid programs to save lives without increasing taxpayer costs, said Cornell expert Chris Barrett. Barrett, the Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of…

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Engaged Cornell’s spirit grows

Dave Burbank Photography From left, Christine Liu and Lavannya Pulluveetil Barrera of Cornell’s student-led Alternative Breaks program with Latonya Assanah, greenhouse manager for Harlem Grown, during a 2017 trip to New York City, where students worked with the nonprofit organization on a children’s sensory garden. Engaged Cornell’s spirit grows in…

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Cornell’s recipe for public engagement

Marin Cherry, M.S. ’15, course coordinator for Food Science 4000, left, with Professor Chang “Cy” Lee, who teaches the class. Last spring, food science major Maddie Parish ’17 and other members of her team in the capstone course Food Science 4000 helped a food producer solve a critical production challenge:…

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