Wendy Wolford (Environment)

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Associate Professor in Development Sociology (DSOC) International Professor as well as a field member in Latin American Studies (LAS) International Agriculture and Rural Development (IARD) 2012-2015 Contested Global Landscapes Theme Project Faculty Fellow. Faculty director of economic development in Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. Full bio

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Alex Travis (Animals, Environment, MPH)


Faculty Director for the Environment at Cornell’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future

Director of the Cornell Center for Wildlife Conservation

Associate professor of reproductive biology and wildlife conservation at Cornell’s Baker Institute for Animal Health at the College of Veterinary Medicine

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One Health @ CVM

Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences The Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences’ mission is to promote health, productivity, and welfare of food- and fiber-producing animals, companion animals, and wildlife populations; ensure safety of foods of animal origin; and prevent animal disease with its associated risks to human health. Microbiology & Immunology…

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Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine

Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine values scholarship across the full spectrum from molecule to medical application and demonstrates this commitment through research, educational programs and professional service. We endorse the concept of One Health in advancing the understanding of both animal and human health, encourage and foster open collaboration across…

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Cornell experts: “One Health” is key to life

On March 15, 2016 the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that an estimated 12.6 million deaths each year (roughly one in four) are attributable to diseases caused by living in environments affected by factors such as air pollution, chemicals, and climate change. The report explains that while deaths from have…

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