Community Solutions partners with Dr. Katherine Levine Einstein and Dr. Charley E. Willison to research homelessness policy

Charley and Katherine

A nonprofit and researchers from Boston University and Cornell University will study the landscape of homelessness public policy and its consequences   Numerous government agencies at all levels make public policies that are influential to the well-being of people experiencing homelessness in the U.S. But, the way these decisions get…

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Dr. Michelle Falkenbach Examines Consequences of Populist Radical Right Parties in Subnational Governments on Health Policy

Dr. Michelle Falkenbach, a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Public and Ecosystem Health examined the Consequences of populist radical right (PRR) Parties in Subnational Governments on Health Policy in her new article published in the journal Government & Opposition. The article examines populist radical right in Austrian and Italian…

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Politics as a Driver of Health

tents in a homeless camp

“I’m most interested in alleviating systems of oppression,” says Dr. Charley Willison, who joined the MPH Program faculty this January, and whose research seeks to understand how policy and politics can improve outcomes for the “overlapping and co-occurring” issues of homelessness, substance use disorders, and disaster response. In public health…

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