Healthcare Access in Rural Ghana

Headshot of Osei Kwado Boateng, CEO, OKB Hope Foundation. Quote reads "“Something had to be done to help address the health disparities between rural and urban communities in my home country”"

Growing up in Ghana, Osei Kwadwo Boateng experienced disparities in rural healthcare infrastructure firsthand. “Someone living in a rural area might walk ten miles or more to a city, just hoping to see a doctor,” he explains. After losing his grandmother—which he says could have been prevented with better access…

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Cornell MPH Students Create New Professional Student Organization

Graduate Students in Public Health (GraPH) is a new organization founded by first-year MPH students to help fellow Cornell students build careers in public health and healthcare industries. The organization was founded with the goal of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, supporting MPH graduate education, and advocating for public health students and…

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Growing Farm-to-School

Since our Program’s first year, MPH students, faculty, and staff have helped build coalitions with local agencies aiming to improve access to healthy food and education for youth and families in communities surrounding Cornell. Students have conducted needs assessments, written grant proposals, and designed and implemented evaluation plans for Universal…

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Dr. Michelle Falkenbach Examines Consequences of Populist Radical Right Parties in Subnational Governments on Health Policy

Dr. Michelle Falkenbach, a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Public and Ecosystem Health examined the Consequences of populist radical right (PRR) Parties in Subnational Governments on Health Policy in her new article published in the journal Government & Opposition. The article examines populist radical right in Austrian and Italian…

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Engaged Research and Food Security

While training in social sciences in college, Dr. Karla Hanson knew she was interested in engaged learning—“except we didn’t even have the language for it at that time,” she remembers. After a job writing grant proposals for a community health center, she went back to school for a PhD in…

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Food Systems for Thought

“Feed the world” might be an over-simplified pop-song lyric, but Dr. Elizabeth Fox, Cornell ’09, ’16, is working hard to explore the complexities of the concept. Dr. Fox joined the MPH Program in 2019, with a focus in food systems and health. More specifically, Fox’s research tackles the real-world issues…

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Politics as a Driver of Health

tents in a homeless camp

“I’m most interested in alleviating systems of oppression,” says Dr. Charley Willison, who joined the MPH Program faculty this January, and whose research seeks to understand how policy and politics can improve outcomes for the “overlapping and co-occurring” issues of homelessness, substance use disorders, and disaster response. In public health…

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MPH Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Amelia Greiner Safi

Dr. Amelia Greiner Safi

  Dr. Amelia Greiner Safi joined the MPH Program in 2017, adding to her 13 years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Safi received her MS in Communication at Cornell (with a focus on risk and science communication) and her PhD in social and behavioral sciences from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public…

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Dr. Michelle Falkenbach Analyzes Global COVID-19 Misinformation Response


Dr. Michelle Falkenbach, a postdoctoral associate in the Cornell MPH Program, along with Raffael Heiss, Madeleine Waser, and Jakob-Moritz Eberl examined the European response to the spread of misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. The team of global researchers recently published their technical report for the European Observatory on Health Systems…

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Investigating Anemia in Cameroon

Dr. Irene Sumbele joined the MPH Program as a visiting scholar in 2019, coming to Cornell from the conflict zone of Cameroon as an Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) Fellow. Last year, she was named the 2020 Beau Biden Scholar for her work in “pursuing health equity…

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