E. coli bacteria’s defense secret revealed

By tagging a cell’s proteins with fluorescent beacons, Cornell researchers have found out how E. coli bacteria defend themselves against antibiotics and other poisons. Probably not good news for the bacteria. When undesirable molecules show up, the bacterial cell opens a tunnel though its outer membrane and “effluxes,” or pumps…

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Gary Whittaker (MPH, Disease)

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Professor of Virology in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the College of Veterinary Medicine Whittaker’s research focus is on the entry of influenza viruses, rhaboviurses and coronaviruses into host cells. In addition, Whittaker is a primary faculty member working with the MPH program. Read his full bio here.

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Reproduction as the Mosquito’s “Achilles Heel”

Cornell entomology professor Laura Harrington and molecular biology and genetics professor Mariana Wolfner are studying the mosquito mating process in hopes of discovering a way to control mosquito reproduction. Researchers believe that it could be possible to block a female mosquito’s ability to reproduce, which would provide a new way to fight Zika virus, dengue fever,…

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One Health @ CVM

Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences The Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences’ mission is to promote health, productivity, and welfare of food- and fiber-producing animals, companion animals, and wildlife populations; ensure safety of foods of animal origin; and prevent animal disease with its associated risks to human health. Microbiology & Immunology…

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