Instructor Spotlight: Dr. Amie Patchen

Dr. Amie Patchen

Dr. Amie Patchen has been teaching for over 16 years. After receiving her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College, she joined the Cornell MPH Program as a postdoctoral associate, where she currently teaches One Health and Public Health Foundations I for our first-year students, and the Integrated Learning…

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Instructor Spotlight: Lara Parrilla

Quote from Lara Parrilla: "Students often spend the first month really struggling with understanding the issue and how to frame it in the form of a grant proposal — I love being a part of the moment when it all clicks!”

Lara Parrilla, MPH, RD, was first exposed to the field of public health through an undergraduate internship with Cornell University Cooperative Extension in NYC. “It was through this experience that I developed an understanding of and respect for the importance concept of building individual and community capacity to identify community…

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