Cornell student tells COP23 delegates: ‘Face up to reality’

Provided Etinosa Obanor, representing global youth constituencies, addresses the high-level segment at COP23 on Nov. 16. On the world stage, Etinosa Obanor ’18 minced no words. Representing global youth constituencies at the high-level segment at the Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, Nov. 6-17, the student delivered a…

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On the highway to health: trimming toxins with trees

Blaine Friedlander/Cornell Chronicle From left, Khaled Hashad, Bo Yang, Max Zhang and Dan Shaw are developing a computational fluid dynamics model for the Green Heart project, to mitigate highway exhaust pollution and improve human health. Cornell engineering students are creating a state-of-the-art computer model to strategically place trees on highways…

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Collaboration seeks to reduce health care disparities through technology

Cornell’s Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Global Health and Technology (INSiGHT) is dedicated to “applying modern technological tools to solve nutritional and global health problems.” Its co-founders are Saurabh Mehta, professor of global health, epidemiology and nutrition in the Division of Nutritional Sciences in the College of Human Ecology, and David…

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Engaged Cornell’s spirit grows

Dave Burbank Photography From left, Christine Liu and Lavannya Pulluveetil Barrera of Cornell’s student-led Alternative Breaks program with Latonya Assanah, greenhouse manager for Harlem Grown, during a 2017 trip to New York City, where students worked with the nonprofit organization on a children’s sensory garden. Engaged Cornell’s spirit grows in…

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Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate to be inclusive, transparent

In a statement released Oct. 11, Cornell President Martha E. Pollack shared the charge of the Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate and announced its co-chairs. Following recent incidents on and near campus, Pollack issued an initial statement calling the community to action, and university leaders have since detailed new commitments…

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3D printed artificial gut creates realistic model for research

Cait M. Costello The top image shows cells dying off (light blue) along the tips of intestinal villi, a response to fluid flow in the intestine that mimics living guts. The bottom frame shows that when such flow is missing, cells all along villi become self-destroying (as seen by light…

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Satellite data paints a portrait of global plant health

Postdoctoral researcher Christine Yao-Yun Chang measures photosynthesis in a soy field near Musgrave Research Farm. When it comes to measuring photosynthesis, green is not all that counts. A Cornell researcher is using a NASA satellite to measure photosynthesis in high resolution at the global scale, advancing how we measure plant…

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Viability of indoor urban agriculture is focus of research grant

Chris Kitchen/University Photography Neil Mattson, associate professor in the Horticulture Section of the School of Integrative Plant Science. Growing crops in controlled environments – in greenhouses, plant factories and in vertical farms – provides alternatives to conventional farming by producing food year-round near metropolitan areas, reducing transportation costs and water…

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Student delegates to attend Clinton Global Initiative conference

Alistair Englebert Preston/Provided Kanyinsola Obayan, right, speaks with summer camp students in Nigeria in July 2016. Fourteen Cornell students were selected by the Clinton Foundation as delegates to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative University conference Oct. 13-15 at Northeastern University in Boston. The meeting will bring together more than…

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Upcoming Cornell Cooperative Extension programs

4-H membership openings Enrollment in area 4-H clubs for children and young adults ages 8-18 is now open, as well as for the Cloverbuds program, ages 5-7 years old. Hundreds of 4-H members all over Tompkins County are learning subjects as varied as photography and arts and crafts, gardening and…

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