Dog Tags for Health

A Rapid Response Fund grant from the Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future has allowed Cornell researchers and collaborators from the Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs to mark and monitor stray animals that have been treated with contraception and rabies vaccines from those who have not. Eloise Cucui, a student…

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Surgery Linked to Diabetes Remission

A recent Cornell-led study authored by Bethany Cummings, assistant professor of biomedical sciences at the CVM, sought to discover how bariatric surgery causes type 2 diabetes remission in people. The study, which was conducted with mice, suggests that increased signaling through the bile acid receptor, TGR5, contributes. Read the full story here.

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Study of Genetic Diseases in Dogs Informs Humans

Through a genetic analysis of 4,200 dogs, Cornell researchers led by biomedical sciences professor Adam Boyko, have investigated 180,000 genetic markers and taken a big step forward in mapping genes responsible for diseases in dogs. This study – the largest of its kind to date –  improves understanding of human…

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Reproduction as the Mosquito’s “Achilles Heel”

Cornell entomology professor Laura Harrington and molecular biology and genetics professor Mariana Wolfner are studying the mosquito mating process in hopes of discovering a way to control mosquito reproduction. Researchers believe that it could be possible to block a female mosquito’s ability to reproduce, which would provide a new way to fight Zika virus, dengue fever,…

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Cornell Receives $24M to Combat Global Wheat Threats

Ronnie Coffman, international plant breeder and director of Cornell’s office of International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, is the director of the newly funded $24 million grant project Delivering Genetic Gain in Wheat that has been awarded to Cornell University by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant…

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Wendy Wolford (Environment)

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Associate Professor in Development Sociology (DSOC) International Professor as well as a field member in Latin American Studies (LAS) International Agriculture and Rural Development (IARD) 2012-2015 Contested Global Landscapes Theme Project Faculty Fellow. Faculty director of economic development in Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. Full bio

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One Health @ CVM

Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences The Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences’ mission is to promote health, productivity, and welfare of food- and fiber-producing animals, companion animals, and wildlife populations; ensure safety of foods of animal origin; and prevent animal disease with its associated risks to human health. Microbiology & Immunology…

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