Jeanne Moseley (Global Health)

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Lecturer in the Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) and the Associate Director for the Global Health Program in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University Moseley is actively involved in the supervision, mentoring and training of student leaders in the global health program. She works closely with Division faculty and…

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Dr. Jarra Jagne: Poultry, Politics and Health

The Looming Threat of Avian Flu, a recent article by Mary Mckenna in the New York Times Magazine, delves into the crippling 2015 outbreak in the Midwest and the possible threat that this virus poses to the United States in the future. Between December 2014 and June 2015, the avian…

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Ithaca, Cornell both create and attract Peace Corps Volunteers

A recent spread in the local newspaper, the Ithaca Times, highlighted the impressive presence of returned Peace Corps volunteers (RPCVs) in Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University’s home. Ithaca has the highest per-capita concentration of RPCVs in the nation. So what is it about Ithaca that makes residents interested in the Peace…

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Laura Harrington (Disease)

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Professor of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Harrington’s research focus is in biology, behavior and ecology of mosquitoes that transmit human pathogens. She is interested in the biology, ecology and behavior of disease vectors; global health and epidemiology.  She advises and mentors undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of…

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W. Ronnie Coffman (Food)

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International Professor of Plant Breeding and Director of International Programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Coffman also serves as Principal Investigator of the Agricultural Innovation Partnership, the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat project, Driving Genetic Gain in Wheat project and the Next Generation Cassava project. He serves as…

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Taking a Planetary Health and One Health Approach to Public Health

As the global population grows and human innovations abound, the world becomes a smaller yet more complex place. With sufficient resources, one can get to almost any point in the world in some 48 hours. With this mobility, ideas and commerce move rapidly. Along with them, infections and vectors of…

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Poultry Vaccine Innovators Receive Award

Bruce Calnek, DVM ’55, the Steffen Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Medicine, and Karel Schat, Ph.D. ’78, professor emeritus in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology were awarded the 2015 Ezra Technology Innovator Award for their work as inventors of the Marek’s disease vaccine. Cornell patented the SB-1 strain that Calnek and…

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In Vitro Puppies Born at CVM

Alex Travis, associate professor of reproductive biology in the Baker Institute for Animal Health in Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and other Cornell researchers succeeded in producing the first litter of puppies through in vitro fertilization. This is not only a significant breakthrough in terms of reproductive technology, but also…

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CVM Team Rescues 28 Animals

Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, the Janet L. Swanson Director of Shelter Medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, was a first responder in a local case of pet hoarding. Twenty-eight unhealthy animals were seized from their Newfield home in November 2015 and their owners are facing charges. While hoarded animals often suffer from serious conditions,…

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