Milestones made toward developing malaria vaccine

A new malaria vaccine that is currently under development has recently passed major clinical trial milestones.  Malaria is a serious and potentially fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes primarily in subtropical and tropical regions.  According to the CDC, in 2015 approximately 214 million cases of malaria occurred around the world and…

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Cornell Master of Public Health Deadline: January 25, 2017

Cornell University is currently accepting applications to our Master of Public Health program, a trans-disciplinary degree program for future leaders in public and global health. Our first round of admissions review will take place late January 2017, with applicants being informed of their status in February 2017.  Applicants wishing to be…

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Tanzania partners with Cornell-affiliated NextGen Cassava

Tanzania recently became a partner of the Cornell-based Next Generation Cassava Breeding project (NextGen), joining Nigeria and Uganda in the global effort to improve cassava breeding in Africa. This partnership is expected to enhance the project’s efforts to improve livelihoods for African cassava farmers. “Tanzania has one of the foremost cassava breeding…

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Haiti, Hurricanes and Cholera: a One Health Approach

Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti on October 4, 2016 and has acted as a deadly catalyst upon the country’s worsening cholera epidemic. The outbreak began in 2010 after the catastrophic earthquake, when contaminated waste from a United Nations peacekeeping base entered a nearby river.  In order to understand this epidemic from…

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Explaining Planetary Health

By Steve Osofsky and the Planetary Health Alliance  “Planetary health is the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends” – Report of The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health By most metrics, human health is better today than at any time in human history. Over…

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Soil scientist speaks on land degradation at COP22

In a presentation to global leaders battling issues of climate change and feeding a burgeoning world population, Dawit Solomon, Cornell senior research associate in crop and soil science, explained food security solutions – such as adding biochar to poor agricultural soil – to combat Earth’s atmospheric warming. Solomon presented his…

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One Health Symposium Highlights

On Friday, November 4th, Cornell hosted a symposium entitled, One Health + Public Health + Global Health.  This symposium highlighted the connections between environmental health, humans and animals and included speakers representing a wide range of topics and fields of interest.  Speakers focused on disease and environment, and food (and water)…

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Public health symposium to take place Nov. 4

A “One Health” philosophy recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health. With that comprehensive perspective in mind, the 2016 Cornell University One Health + Public Health + Global Health Symposium will take place Nov. 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Biotech G10 and the lobby. The symposium will focus on the…

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$1M expands food safety capabilities at Geneva campus

Building on its capacity as a center for food safety innovation, Cornell’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (NYSAES) in Geneva, New York, is poised to expand its food development and technology commercialization capabilities with $1 million in new state funding. Announced Sept. 16 by state Sen. Michael Nozzolio, R-54th…

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