Carmen Moraru promotes food and agriculture research funding in D.C.

Dan Klotz ’89/Provided Carmen Moraru, professor of food science, speaks during a briefing in the House of Representatives Nov. 2. “How can we improve the safety of the food supply?” asked Cornell food scientist Carmen Moraru. Moraru, professor of food science in Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, joined academic…

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Spotlight: MPH Faculty in Local and Regional Food Systems

Local & Regional Food Systems Strengthening Collaborations across Campus, County and Community Strengthening Connection: Who We Are. To catalyze collaboration and strengthen our impact, we are taking some time to get to know our LRFS network and are sharing what we learn. Each month we will spotlight a handful of…

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Chris Barrett talks food aid to D.C. policymakers

Provided Chris Barrett speaks at a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute Oct. 19 in Washington, D.C. Congress can change the United States’ international food aid programs to save lives without increasing taxpayer costs, said Cornell expert Chris Barrett. Barrett, the Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of…

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Cornell’s recipe for public engagement

Marin Cherry, M.S. ’15, course coordinator for Food Science 4000, left, with Professor Chang “Cy” Lee, who teaches the class. Last spring, food science major Maddie Parish ’17 and other members of her team in the capstone course Food Science 4000 helped a food producer solve a critical production challenge:…

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Extension helps New York farmers share harvest with hurricane victims

Eric Hansen, right, owner of Hansen Farms in Stanley, New York, speaks with Jim Germain, from Feeding America. Like many Americans, Hudson Valley apple farmer Steve Pennings watched the devastation of hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria this September and wanted to do something to help. “At the same time, I looked around…

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Viability of indoor urban agriculture is focus of research grant

Chris Kitchen/University Photography Neil Mattson, associate professor in the Horticulture Section of the School of Integrative Plant Science. Growing crops in controlled environments – in greenhouses, plant factories and in vertical farms – provides alternatives to conventional farming by producing food year-round near metropolitan areas, reducing transportation costs and water…

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Sea salts bring potentially harmful mold to the table, researchers find

Megan Biango-Daniels/CALS Several molds that were found in sea salt, including Aspergillus and Penicillium species. Like fine wines, sea salts are artisanal products that inspire talk of terroir, texture and provenance. Now there’s evidence that they can also be sources of spoilage molds. New research from Cornell mycologist Kathie Hodge…

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Schumer announces $400,000 federal grant to fight potato pest

U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., announces a $400,000 grant for upgrades to facilities and equipment at the Federal Golden Nematode Laboratory at Cornell. With Schumer, from left, are Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick ’09, Cornell President Martha Pollack, and Kathryn Boor ’80, the Ronald P. Lynch Dean of the College of…

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Cornell to team with IBM to protect global milk supply

Cornell and IBM announced a joint research project June 23 that will use genetic sequencing and big-data analyses to help keep the global milk supply safe. Foodborne disease outbreaks and food spoilage are an ongoing global dilemma. With the application of metagenomics and analytics to food safety, the partnership aims…

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Cornell Adult University to offer Food Systems and Human Well-being course

Global changes in climate, economies, transportation, and resource use, as well as environmental agents that propel infectious diseases across borders and species, profoundly challenge public health.  From July 9 to 15, Cornell MPH faculty will be teaching at a Cornell Adult University course: One Health in Action: Global Food Systems…

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