Healthcare Access in Rural Ghana

Headshot of Osei Kwado Boateng, CEO, OKB Hope Foundation. Quote reads "“Something had to be done to help address the health disparities between rural and urban communities in my home country”"

Growing up in Ghana, Osei Kwadwo Boateng experienced disparities in rural healthcare infrastructure firsthand. “Someone living in a rural area might walk ten miles or more to a city, just hoping to see a doctor,” he explains. After losing his grandmother—which he says could have been prevented with better access…

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Racial Allyship Training

When Nyaradzo Sirewu and Avni Patel saw that Cornell’s Center for Health Equity (CCHEq) was looking for MPH students to build and pilot training that would help anyone take action against racism, they jumped at the opportunity. “After the George Floyd killing, people were reaching out to CCHEq, asking how…

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Family Nutrition Programs

Drawn to the MPH Program’s focus on sustainability, equity and engagement, Dr. Kate Dickin joined Cornell’s MPH faculty in 2021 after over a decade as a researcher and mentor with the Division of Nutritional Sciences. There, she led multiple international and U.S. research projects, and taught a class for undergraduates…

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College & Career Readiness

When she was still an undergraduate student at Cornell, Victoria Montero co-founded the College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI), which helps underserved high school students prepare for college. “I always wanted to be involved in a project I was very passionate about,” says Montero, who shifted from a pre-medical track…

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Building Acres4Change

After George Floyd was killed by police in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic disproportionately impacting people of color, Pertula George-Redd realized, “I want to channel my sadness and anger to do something for my community.” That year, George-Redd founded Acres4Change to “create a path to land ownership” for…

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Community Solutions partners with Dr. Katherine Levine Einstein and Dr. Charley E. Willison to research homelessness policy

Charley and Katherine

A nonprofit and researchers from Boston University and Cornell University will study the landscape of homelessness public policy and its consequences   Numerous government agencies at all levels make public policies that are influential to the well-being of people experiencing homelessness in the U.S. But, the way these decisions get…

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Instructor Spotlight: Dr. Amie Patchen

Dr. Amie Patchen

Dr. Amie Patchen has been teaching for over 16 years. After receiving her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College, she joined the Cornell MPH Program as a postdoctoral associate, where she currently teaches One Health and Public Health Foundations I for our first-year students, and the Integrated Learning…

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MPH Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Karla Hanson

Karla Hanson

Dr. Karla Hanson began her career in public health as director of planning and development at a federally qualified primary care health center. This experience led her to pursue graduate school in health policy at the Wagner School of Public Service at NYU, where she researched policies and trends regarding…

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Food Systems for Thought

“Feed the world” might be an over-simplified pop-song lyric, but Dr. Elizabeth Fox, Cornell ’09, ’16, is working hard to explore the complexities of the concept. Dr. Fox joined the MPH Program in 2019, with a focus in food systems and health. More specifically, Fox’s research tackles the real-world issues…

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