Spotlight: MPH Faculty in Local and Regional Food Systems

Local & Regional Food Systems Strengthening Collaborations across Campus, County and Community Strengthening Connection: Who We Are. To catalyze collaboration and strengthen our impact, we are taking some time to get to know our LRFS network and are sharing what we learn. Each month we will spotlight a handful of…

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Chris Barrett talks food aid to D.C. policymakers

Provided Chris Barrett speaks at a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute Oct. 19 in Washington, D.C. Congress can change the United States’ international food aid programs to save lives without increasing taxpayer costs, said Cornell expert Chris Barrett. Barrett, the Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of…

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Toni Thibeaux, MPH, CLS (MPH)

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Program Coordinator, Master of Public Health Thibeaux is responsible for advising students and promoting the MPH program, facilitating student orientation, developing customized collaborative community projects for student learning and establishing partnerships with internal and external stakeholders for Practicum and Capstone opportunities.

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Randy Worobo (Food Safety)

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Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Research focus on enhancing the safety of fruits and vegetables throughout the produce supply chain. Outreach and extension focus on the fruit, vegetable and beverage industries in New York State, providing expertise in sanitation, processing recommendations for products that have problematic…

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Elizabeth Bihn (Food)

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Senior Extension Associate, Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Director of the Produce Safety Alliance and program coordinator for the National Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Program Research and outreach extension focus on microbial risk reduction in all aspects of fresh fruit and vegetable production particularly worker…

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Olga Padilla-Zakour (Food)

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Professor of Food Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Director of the Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship at Cornell University Research program focused on applied research in support of her extension program to add value and safety to agricultural commodities. Emphasis on developing new products/processes, improving or retaining quality in…

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Kristy Richards (Disease)

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Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine Research focus on using genetic and genomic strategies to understand lymphoma, discovering ways to use this genetic information to tailor treatment strategies for lymphoma clinical trials Read her full bio here.

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