Cornell MPH Students Create New Professional Student Organization

Graduate Students in Public Health (GraPH) is a new organization founded by first-year MPH students to help fellow Cornell students build careers in public health and healthcare industries.

The organization was founded with the goal of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, supporting MPH graduate education, and advocating for public health students and initiatives in a safe environment. The group aims to achieve this by organizing guest lectures, planning and hosting social and networking events, fostering mentorship, and more.

We asked the executive board why they love public health and why they wanted to start a student organization.

Cornell GrAPH Executive Board (From left to right: Top row: Olu Aliweri, Hannah Lee, Julia Metri, Jennifer Gil. Bottom Row: Aaron Connolly, Ritisha Ghosh, Sabine Jamal).

Cornell GrAPH Executive Board (From left to right: Top row: Olu Aliweri, Hannah Lee, Julia Metri, Jennifer Gil. Bottom Row: Aaron Connolly, Ritisha Ghosh, Sabine Jamal).

What got you interested in public health?

“My interest in public health stems from its ability to operate as a liaison between the healthcare system and the population, utilizing preventative techniques to improve population health,” says co-president Olu Aliweri.

“Working as an emergency medicine physician during the pandemic highlighted the inequities among my patients and how significantly this affected their health outcomes,” says Sabine Jamal, the outreach chair of GraPH.

“The field of public health advocates for the health of those who may not be able to advocate for themselves,” says vice president, Julia Metri. “I became interested in public health because of the variety of disciplines it encompasses; ranging from biological sciences, to social sciences, to business. Through public health, these disciplines are brought together by a commitment to make access to healthcare equable for everyone.”


Cornell MPH and MHA students at the MPH x MHA Networking Event

Cornell MPH and MHA students at the MPH x MHA Networking Event

Why did you want to create/join GraPH?

“I wanted to create GraPH because I believe that positive change in public health is only achievable and sustainable when there is a strong and united community, says co-president, Hannah Lee. “GraPH can now be that very community and foundation, within Cornell University and across all disciplines, to mold, support, and join extraordinary students so that they can create powerful and effective reformation in the world.”

“I joined GraPH because I want to develop a sense of community among all Cornell MPH students and expand opportunities for students’ professional development,” says treasurer, Jennifer Gil.

Cornell MPH students at the MPH x MHA Networking Event

Cornell MPH students at the MPH x MHA Networking Event

What are you most excited for this semester?

“I am excited to put on fun social events, meet new people in other disciplines and within my own cohort, and see my peers find opportunities they feel passionate about!” says communications chair, Ritisha Ghosh.

“We are enthusiastic about expanding opportunities and resources for our peers and staff who are devoted to public health. There are no ideas or interests that will go unheard or ignored in GraPH!,” says Lee.

GraPH secretary, Aaron Connolly says that he is “excited that GraPH is kicking off this semester and I hope to see more students at events.” Additionally, he is “most excited for the flowers to bloom and get back to hiking in Ithaca because it is ‘gorges’.”

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