Dr. Michelle Falkenbach Examines COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns

Dr. Michelle FalkenbachHealth Policy and Technology Journal, a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Public and Ecosystem Health along with a team of researchers from Europe analyzed the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in France, Israel, Italy and Spain and their impact on health and economic outcomes in their new article published in the journal Health Policy and Technology.

This article presents an overview of the vaccination campaigns in France, Israel, Italy and Spain from the time the first vaccines were approved in December 2020 until November 2021. The availability of COVID-19 vaccines allowed policymakers to pursue policies that could prevent the spread of the virus, as opposed to more reactive policies designed to suppress infections. The findings and analysis report a positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccines on epidemiological, political and economic outcomes.

According to Falkenbach, “the effective coordination between the governance levels, ability to ensure a large supply of doses, and trust towards health authorities were among the determinants for more successful vaccination outcomes.”


Written by Katie Lesser and Michelle Falkenbach

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