Cornell’s MPH Program Co-Sponsors three projects with the Atkinson’s Academic Venture Fund

Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future just announced that 12 projects will be funded via their Academic Venture Fund this year. These projects have the potential to provide solutions that will support sustainability around the world. Through cross disciplinary collaborations, these projects hope to address some of today’s greatest sustainability challenges.


Of the 12 projects, three research projects in sustainable public health are cosponsored by Cornell’s Master of Public Health Program. These three interdisciplinary research efforts were selected through a highly competitive process. Each of the three not only exemplifies the important intersections of sustainability and human health, but also has the potential to have important real-world impacts.


Topics covered by the three projects range from 1) why the Finger Lakes have suddenly started to have toxic algal blooms, with a focus on nitrogen inputs and climate change; to 2) improving farm management in ways that minimize impacts on wildlife and the environment while enhancing food safety; to 3) testing specific elementary school activities in under-served communities that could enhance the health of children while simultaneously increasing their knowledge of and first-hand experience with, the natural environment.


MPH Program Director Alex Travis, commented that “these projects reflect several of the many different ways by which human health depends on the natural systems that support us, and study specific interventions and mechanisms that will help ensure that we will continue to receive these benefits in the future.”

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(Image from original Cornell Chronicle article)

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