They said it

There’s an old expression that ‘great wine is made in the vineyard,’ and it’s true.

Justine Vanden Heuvel, an assistant professor of viticulture at Cornell who identifies compounds in the vineyard that lead to specific flavors and aromas in wine. (What makes wines different? Cornell studies region’s ‘terroir’, Ithaca Journal, May 4, 2010.)

It is important to Cornell and the breeding program to partner with our New York industry.

Susan Brown, the Herman M. Cohn Professor of Horticultural Sciences, who directs Cornell’s apple breeding program on the release of two new Cornell apple varieties. (Two new apple varieties released for NYS growers only, Cornell Chronicle, May 10, 2010.)

Getting them off to a good start is the most important way that homeowners can protect [new] trees. Water it, protect it from construction, choose the right tree for your area. There has to be a match between the tree and the site, which is why knowing the site conditions is important.

Nina Bassuk, director of Cornell’s Urban Horticulture Institute (Green Solutions: Urban Forestry and Your Home, networx, May 4, 2010.)

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