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Alexander Hamilton papers available

The library recently added the digital version of the Alexander Hamilton papers to its American Founding Era collection in the Rotunda product from the University of Virginia. It joins the other digital collections in the set to which we already have access: the Adams Papers; the Thomas Jefferson Papers; the Dolley Madison Digital Edition; the James […]

History Compass now at CUL

The Library has recently subscribed to History Compass from Wiley-Blackwell. According to its publisher, History Compass is “an online-only journal publishing peer-reviewed state-of-the-field articles of the most important research and current thinking from across the entire discipline.” Articles are published in a number of different sections: Africa Asia Australasia and Pacific Britain and Ireland Caribbean […]

Visualizing Emancipation

Visualizing Emancipation is a new web resource that is of interest for a number of reasons. First, there is its content: it identifies thousands of actions associated with the end of slavery in the United States.  Second, it depicts these actions on an interactive map, thus providing a geographical interface that helps depict when and […]

Crowdsourcing James Madison’s Notes

Here is an interesting new experiment in scholarship.  The Center for the Constitution at James Madison’s Montpelier has put online a copy of James Madison’s Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787.  What is unusual is that they are allowing scholars and the general public to add notes and commentary to the text.  Using […]

More Digitized Historical Newspapers Available

As part of its effort to return the Cornell University Library to its position among the top ten academic institutions in terms of collections support, the Library has started to draw down on funds that have been in reserve for a range of projects and divert them to collections support.We were able to make several […]

An Award-winning Set of LBJ Recordings

The Presidential Recordings of Lyndon B. Johnson Digital Edition has won the Association of American Publishers’ 2011 PROSE Award for Best eProduct in the Humanities, and CHOICE magazine named it an Outstanding Academic Title for 2011.  Published by Rotunda, the digital imprint of the University of Virginia, the Edition contains “hundreds of hours of presidential […]

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

At the urging of several faculty in the History Department and at ILR, the Library has acquired access to the digital version of the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP).  HCPP includes over 200,000 House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material back to 1688. It offers page images and […]

Digital Microfilm at The National Archives (UK)

The National Archives in the UK has an exciting new initiative.  Called “Digital Microfilm,” it is PDF versions of microfilm reels that can be downloaded for free.  The PDFs are quite large and the records have not been indexed so you will need to scroll through them, much as you would when using a microfilm.  […]

Full-text links added to 19th Century Masterfile

Many Cornell historians know about 19th Century Masterfile, the online version of many standard 19th century periodical indexes, including Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature, 1802-1906, the Index to Legal Periodical Literature, 1786-1937, and the Royal Society’s Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900.  But did you know that it has been adding links to a variety of […]

Connected Histories: British History Sources, 1500-1900

A new index created by the University of Hertfordshire, the University of London, and the University of Sheffield and made available by the Institute of Historical Research is a remarkable free resource and suggests some of the ways that historical digital collections may develop. Connected Histories: British History Sources, 1500-1900, indexes a number of free […]

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