New at Cornell: Black Abolitionist Papers
Black Abolitionist Papers is now available at Cornell. This digital collection consists of primary sources. It presents the international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activists themselves. Covering the period 1830-1865, the approximately 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence, proceedings, manuscripts, and literary works of almost 300 Black abolitionists […]
New at Cornell: British Periodicals
This just in: British Periodicals! This digital collection allows searching full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. More information and complete title list and […]
Explore Victorian Popular Culture
We’re excited to announce Cornell access to Adam Matthew’s Victorian Popular Culture, a unique archival resource for four fascinating areas of 19th British century life: (1) Spiritualism, Sensation & Magic; (2) Circuses, Sideshows & Freaks; (3) Music Hall, Theatre & Popular Entertainment; (4) Moving Pictures, Optical Entertainments & the Advent of Cinema. In addition to […]
New Resource: Eighteenth Century British Journals
Eighteenth Century Journals, A portal to Newspapers and Periodicals, c.1685-1835 This resource focuses on the British Empire. It consists of five sections. Currently Cornell only subscribes to Section III. Materials for this section are drawn from two sources: the British Newspaper Library at Colindale, London and Cambridge University Library. This section focuses on journals published […]