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Two New Military History Resources

We have recently added two new resources in military history that are sure to be of use to many.

The International Bibliography of Military History is now available as an online volume.  It was first published by the International Commission of Military History as the Bibliographie internationale d’histoire militaire.  In 2012 Brill assumed publication responsibilities.  It indexes the international literature of military history, covering most world languages. The annotations to the bibliographical entries appear currently in German, French, Italian, Spanish and English. We have online access to all annual volumes starting with volume 1 in 1974.

The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History was recently added to the suite of reference tools included in Oxford Reference Online.  According to its web site, it “offers both assessment and analysis of the key episodes, issues and actors in the military and diplomatic history of the United States…. Entries are written by top diplomatic and military historians and key scholars of international relations from within the American academy, supplemented, as is appropriate for an encyclopedia of diplomacy, with entries from foreign-based academics, in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.”

[UPDATE] Michael Engle in the Library Reference Department just reported that we may not have yet activated access to the content of the Oxford Encyclopedia.  Please let Michael or Peter Hirtle know if this is an important resource for you.]

[UPDATE, 6 March 2013] Electronic access should be working now. And we have added access to the Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History.


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