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Google Scholar Citations

Google has added a new free feature to its Google Scholar database that may be of interest.  Google Scholar Citations allows you to build a profile of your scholarly work.  That profile can be either public or private.  (My profile is here; Google is using Richard Feynman’s profile as an example.) Once your profile is […]

Olin update

The major changes associated with the Olin fire safety improvement project may be over, but that hasn’t stopped the staff of Olin/Kroch/Uris from making incremental improvements to the building.  Three improvements are likely to be of interest to CU historians: After many years, we were finally able to install outlets by all of the graduate […]

Three new database trials

Readex has offered us trial access through 14 September to two new additions to its digitized newspapers collection, of which we currently own 4 series.  Both can be accessed via the record in the catalog for America’s Historical Newspapers. Series 8 and Series 9 of Early American Newspapers include full runs through 1922 of important, […]


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