4 New Proquest Newspaper Titles
The Library has added four new titles to the ProQuest Historical Newspapers collection online: The Chicago Defender, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and the Times of India. Each title offers full page and article PDFs with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection provides access to every page from every available issue—see the coverage dates below. Excepting the Chicago Defender, each title adds a newer year of coverage annually.
The three titles join the three existing Proquest historical papers: The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. The default for this collection cross-searches all the titles except the Times of India. You may elect to search any combination of the titles by following the “Select multiple databases” link to the right of the search box, including the Times of India (1838 – 2001).
The six default cross-searchable titles are:
- Chicago Defender (Coverage: 1910 – 1975)
- Chicago Tribune (Coverage: April 23, 1849 – Dec. 31, 1987)
- Los Angeles Times (Coverage: Dec. 4, 1881 – Dec. 31, 1987)
- New York Times (Sept 18, 1851-Dec 31, 2007)
- Wall Street Journal (July 8, 1889-Dec 31, 1993)
- Washington Post (Dec 12, 1877-Dec 31, 1994)