April 2021 Article of the Month: The 53 Lessons I Wished I Learned (And Embraced) Earlier In My Career By Amy Blaschka

As the semester begins to wind down and we approach finals season, this Article of the Month is a great way to not only reflect on your own takeaways from the semester and your career path, but also gain some insight from Forbes writer, Amy Blaschka. This article offers amazing lessons and tips that will help you as you figure out your own personal journey! The author encourages the reader with these 53 lessons to be their authentic self and achieve their goals!

Here are just a few of the many amazing lessons and quotes found in the article:

2. “Get your (career) story straight”

“Everyone has a unique story, but not everyone leverages its power. Properly crafted, your career story helps to differentiate you from your competitors, highlight your value, and to draw others to you.”

9. “Allow your curiosity to lead the way”

“When you’re curious, you’re open. Open to exploring new ideas, experiences, and possibilities. Open to meeting new people and learning new things. Open to leaving behind outdated mindsets and limiting beliefs to make room for your highest and best self. And it’s that openness—that curiosity—that fuels growth.”

15. “Move past your fear and stop hiding”

“We avoid those things that make us uncomfortable at all costs, but there is no growth in the status quo. Sooner or later, that caution and those fears that prevent you from getting hurt or put on the spot stagnate you.

Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear; it’s time to stop hiding and go for it.”

23. “Take action—now”

“Taking action is the one surefire antidote to combat career anxiety, doubt, and fear. Action begets more action. When you use awareness to make action an intentional habit, you train yourself to continue to take action. Over time, those small behavior changes creatively shake things up and breathe new life into old methods and routines. And combined with focused action, that newfound clarity will bring you something even better: success.”

To read the rest of the lessons, check out the full article here!