Special Events

What: Hold special or school-wide events outside instead of in.

How: If the school is planning a special event, consider holding it outdoors instead of in. For example, if you are planning an assembly in the gym, consider holding it on the playing field. If there is a hill on the school grounds, use it for natural stadium seating for school plays, choir concerts, or talent shows. Set up book fairs outside like a farmers’ market. If weather is unpredictable in your area, think about which activities can be moved easily (e.g., an assembly with one speaker is easier to move than a play with sets and props) and decide on the day of the event if it can be done outside.

When: Whenever there is a special event.

Who: Administrators, event organizers, attendees.

Materials: Depending on the event, some chairs or outdoor tables might be helpful.

Why: During special events, students are already out of the classroom and out of their normal routine. This could be an easy time to add outdoor time that would not reduce instructional time or require extra planning, transitions, or classroom management efforts from the teacher. Additionally, there are typically multiple adults present at special events, who could help with student/staff ratios and monitoring behavior while outside.

Consider: Hold staff meetings outside to add some nature time for school staff too!

Barriers addressed: Out of Routine; Scheduling; Time Pressure; Time/Space in Standards