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Cornell University

Cornell University Health Impacts Core

Advancing Health Impact with Communities


Welcome to the Health Impacts Core 

The Health Impacts Core is a key program within Cornell University’s Department of Public and Ecosystem Health. It integrates the expertise of our faculty and staff experts with our partners’ knowledge to deliver equitable and sustainable public health initiatives. 

We leverage effective coordination and collaboration efforts to unite community partners, content experts, and qualified public health students to advance health and well-being sustainably and equitably for all people. 

Visit the page on What We Do to learn more about our approaches, which include: Collaborative Planning, Capacity Building, and Action Research and Evaluation. Our evidence-informed approach places community partners at the center of exploration, planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination. We use community engagement and community-based participatory approaches, including human-centered design and implementation science, to build collective capacity for applied, impact-focused projects. 

This website contains information about the Health Impacts Core, the projects we are devoted to, helpful resources, and ways to collaborate with us. 

Latest Projects

The Health Impacts Core works with Local Health Departments (LHDs) to build skills and capacity for future outbreaks and emergent events Many LHDs expressed interest in developing protocols and plans for future public health outbreaks It...

Shot@Life is a grassroots advocacy campaign part of the United Nations Foundation It works to secure funding for global childhood vaccines by completing grassroots advocacy here in the States Twice a year, we hold meetings with Congress...

Public Health Crisis and Risk Communication training with the NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services gives New York State health and emergency response officials new insights into the risk and crisis communication for...