Prospective Students
The application deadline has now passed for MS students for matriculation in Fall 2024 (Graduate Masters of Science (MS) Program in Entomology: Vector-Borne Disease Biology at Cornell). We anticipate accepting another cohort for matriculation in Fall 2025. If you are interested please look for an application deadline in December 2025.
Please note I am only accepting NEVBD MS students at this time. I am not accepting PhD students for matriculation in Fall 2025.
Please see the Harrington lab expectations for advisees below.
Application Process
Graduate students in my laboratory are involved in a variety of research projects that focus on the biology and behavior of mosquito vectors. If you are interested in applying to work in my program, you should contact me first to discuss your interests. The next step is to apply to the Field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology or Entomology at Cornell University.
For more information on the fields of study, visit:
Graduate mentoring philosophy
My graduate students are expected to interact closely with other researchers in my program and those of my collaborators. New students should spend time helping with major funded projects and exploring ideas. This allows them to gain a diverse training experience while thinking about developing their own specific research plan. I encourage students to think seriously about their career goals from the time they enter graduate school. Every effort is made to provide them with a research path that will leave them with the most competitive background for their career aspirations. In addition, I encourage breadth and depth in their dissertation programs. Students should develop at least one aspect of their research that employs modern laboratory methods and another aspect that utilizes field-based studies. Members of my research program are encouraged to attend professional conferences to present their work and network with other scientists.
My expectations for you:
communicate with me regularly (weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings)
take on a leadership role in the lab, mentor grad and undergraduate students, provide feedback in group meetings, be a positive role model, etc
be respectful of diversity, treat others in the lab in a fair, positive and equitable way
use grant money sparingly to conserve resources
be resourceful where appropriate (seek out colleagues to ask questions, obtain protocols, borrow equipment)
keep me apprised of people who borrow insects, ticks or equipment from outside of our lab
if you see something concerning in the lab, say something to me
write regularly and aim to publish regularly while you are in the lab
send me drafts that you have already edited for spelling and grammatical errors
admit mistakes when you make them
ask me for help when you need it, my primary goal (above the science we do) is to help you be successful!
let me and others in the laboratory know when you will be out of the office/away from campus
if you see a way to do things better/more streamlined/safer/less costly, please say so
to pitch in and help when others need it or are away from campus
to respond to insect vector questions from the public or to reporters periodically
What you can expect from me:
to be available weekly or bi-weekly for one-on-one meetings
to treat you respectfully and value your ideas and opinions, including allowing you to pursue your own ideas in side projects
to respond with feedback edits on your protocols and manuscripts in a timely manner (within one week, sometimes less)
to provide you with performance feedback regularly (not just annually)
to provide opportunities and resources to enable you to gain skills you need for your future career (this includes opportunities to write sections or full proposals, to gain lab administration/people management skills, teaching skills, mentoring skills)
to allow you time for vacation/personal family time
to actively seek opportunities for positions, to provide feedback on your job applications, interviews and etc
to work with you to outline research areas, tools or techniques that you may take with you to start your new program
to continue to be a resource for you after you leave the lab
Graduate students
My expectations for you:
communicate with me regularly (weekly one-on-one meetings), send me a written update at least one day ahead of that meeting with your progress for the past week, challenges/barriers/questions you want to address (this helps me think of solutions ahead our meeting) and plans for the coming week
mentor undergraduate students in the lab, provide feedback in group meetings, be a positive role model, etc
be respectful of diversity, treat others in the lab in a fair, positive and equitable way
use grant money sparingly to conserve resources
be resourceful where appropriate (seek out colleagues to ask questions, obtain protocols, borrow equipment)
keep me apprised of people who borrow insects, ticks or equipment from outside of our lab
if you see something concerning in the lab, say something to me
write regularly and aim to publish your dissertation/thesis chapters as you go
send me drafts that you have already reviewed and corrected for spelling and grammatical errors
admit mistakes when you make them
ask me for help when you need it, my primary goal (above the science we do) is to help you be successful!
let me and others in the laboratory know when you will be out of the office/away from campus
if you see a way to do things better/more streamlined/safer/less costly, please say so
to pitch in and help when others need it or are away from campus
to respond to insect vector questions from the public or to reporters periodically
What you can expect from me:
to be available weekly or bi-weekly for one-on-one meetings
to treat you respectfully as a valued member of the lab
to respond with feedback edits on your protocols and manuscripts in a timely manner (within one week, sometimes less)
to provide you with performance feedback regularly (not just annually)
to provide opportunities and resources to enable you to gain skills you need for your future career (this includes opportunities to write grant proposals, to learn about lab and people management skills, to gain teaching skills, mentoring skills)
to allow you time for vacation/personal family time
to share opportunities for postdocs and other positions, to provide feedback on your job applications, interviews and etc
to continue to be a resource for you after you leave the lab
Undergraduate students
My expectations for you:
communicate with me and/or your direct mentor regularly
show up on time, call or text if you are delayed or cannot come in
be respectful of diversity, treat others in the lab in a fair, positive and equitable way
ask questions, think about what you are doing and ensure it makes sense
admit mistakes when you make them
let me and others in the laboratory know when you will be out of the office/away from campus
if you see a way to do things better/more streamlined/safer/less costly, please say so
What you can expect from me:
to be available for one-on-one meetings
to treat you respectfully as a valued member of the lab
to check in with your mentors and coach them on best mentoring practices
to respond with feedback edits on your reports in a timely manner (within one week, sometimes less)
to provide you with performance feedback regularly (not just annually)
to provide opportunities and resources to enable you to gain skills
to allow you time for vacation/personal family time
to continue to be a resource for you after you leave the lab