River Project Collaboration

The Hare Lab is continuing to measure the timing and distribution of recruitment (juvenile settlement) of wild oysters in the Hudson River with collaborators like the Bioboat (Bill Livingston & Stephen Fleming), Yonkers Science Barge (Groundwork Hudson Valley) and the Billion Oyster Project. This summer we begin an exciting study with The River Project at Hudson River Park, testing hypotheses about why some piers in the park have eight times more oysters on their pilings than found by divers at other piers. Thanks to the New York State Water Resources Institute for funding.

Avi Micah Simon graduates with Honors

Way to go Avi! Nice job with your honors thesis using RNAseq to analyze gene expression in juvenile oysters from different salinity source environments and under different salinity treatments. Good luck with your next steps!

Welcome Yuqing Chen!

Yuqing joined us first from Bejing (remote), and arrived in Ithaca Fall 2021 to pursue her PhD.

Congrats to Dr. Alyssa Kaganer

Congratulations on your PhD Alyssa! Two chapters are published and the third will follow soon, sharing your eDNA and hellbender immunization insights! Good luck with your Cornell Wildlife Health Lab postdoc.

Kaili Gregory graduates with Honors

Congratulations Kaili! Your honors thesis using histology to analyze oyster spawning phenology in the Hudson River Estuary is a winner. Good luck in graduate school!

Welcome Honggang Zhao!

Honggang is joining us to work on the NSF within-generation selection project, fresh from his PhD at Univ. Alabama.