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Sirex Symposium

October 14-16, 2013, at Cornell University, Ithaca NY

The 2013 Sirex Symposium was organized by Ann Hajek, Mark Whitmore, and Fred Stephen.  


For list of names see bottom of this page.

The following talks and poster were presented (listed in alphabetical order by primary author):

The translocated peptide from Sirex noctilio venom that causes needle flagging in oviposited pines;  Michael Bordeaux (University of Georgia)

A volatile issue: kairomones in the host selection of Sirex noctilio;  Katalin Böröczky (North Carolina State University)

Environmental conditions promoting mating in Sirex noctilio;  Isis Caetano (Cornell University)

Amylostereum genetic diversity and Sirex associations in Europe and the US: insights on sources of Sirex noctilio introductions and implications on control strategies;  Louela Castrillo (USDA & Cornell University)

Spatial colonization patterns of Sirex noctilio at a pine plantation in the Adirondacks;  Christopher Foelker (SUNY-ESF)

Chemical and nutritional ecology of parasitoids of siricids;  Kamal Gandi (University of Georgia)

Field testing a candidate male aggregation pheromone blend in South African plantations: challenges and lessons learned;  Jeff Garnas (FABI)

Sirex noctilio and its associates in Ontario;  Laurel Haavik (N. R. Canada)

Biological control releases of Deladenus siricidicola;  Ann Hajek (Cornell University)

Phenology of Sirex nigricornis;  Jessica Hartshorn (Univeristy of Arkansas)

Intercontinental comparison of the spread and impacts of Sirex noctilio;  Flora Krivak-Tetley  (Dartmouth College)

Parasitism of Sirex noctilio by non-sterilizing Deladenus siricidicola in northeastern North America;  Stefanie Kroll (Cornell University)

A tangled food web between Deladenus, Amylostereum and Sirex;  Erin Morris (Cornell University)

The importance of olfactory and visual cues in developing better monitoring tools for Sirex noctilio;  Mark Sarvary (Cornell University)

Trace metals in the ovipositors of wood-boring Hymenoptera;  Karen Sime (SUNY Oswego)

The introduction history of the Sirex woodwasp and its symbionts: current knowledge and tools to address knowledge gaps;  Bernard Slippers (FABI)

Deladenus nematodes parasitizing Sirex nigricornis in Arkansas forests;  Fred Stephen (University of Arkansas)

Response of Ibalia l. ensiger to volatiles of Amylostereum;  Steve Teale (SUNY-ESF)

Adaptations for wood-feeding in the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio Fab. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae);  Brian Thompson (University of Maryland)