News and Events


May 2024 Sonia Su and the American Egg Board Eggcelerator Lab Product Development Competition

Sonia Su Eggcelerator

April 2024 Food Science Department Corrosion Research in the News

Visit The Metal Packager online industry newsletter to read more about novel research in the Goddard lab, “Cornell University researchers aim to put an end to ‘eggy’ canned wine”  .  A collaboration under a USDA grant led by Gavin Sacks, the work seeks to better understand corrosion development in canned wines and to create improved can linings along with modified product formulations to reduce corrosion and product off-flavors.  The work was also featured in the Phys Dot Org newsletter, “Research team identifies culprit behind canned wine’s rotten egg smell”.

The research has been published in the American Journal of  Enology and Viticulture, “Hydrogen sulfide formation in canned wines: variation among can sources” (José Héctor Ramírez Suárez

canned wine predicted market

April 2024 Northeast Dairy Foods Research Center Meeting

Amol Pagar, Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Goddard group, presented his project during the April 2024 meeting of the Northeast Dairy Foods Research Center (NDFRC).  Funded by the Empire State Development 2023 Dairy Promotion Order, this work was a collaborative part of a larger project, “Rare sugar sweetened yogurt – a novel process for better tasting, healthy, and natural dairy-derived sweeteners“, led by Dr. Robin Dando (CU Food Science).

Amol Pagar presenting at the April 2024 NDFRC meeting.

Amol D. Pagar, Postdoctoral Research Associate, presents his project “Innovations in Enzyme Technology to Enhance Dairy Food Sustainability” at the April 2024 NDFRC meeting.

Presenters at the  NDFRC included dairy research and extension from Cornell University and University of Vermont Food Science  departments, with the meeting attracting members of the dairy manufacturing industry  and related associations, including Goddard group alumni!

Elizabet Moreno Reyes and Stephanie Ropiak at the 2024 NDFRC meeting.

Elizabet Moreno Reyes, PhD Candidate 2024 (Goddard group) and Stephanie Ropiak, Product Research Director at Dairy Management, Inc and PhD 2018 (Goddard group alumnus) meet during student poster presentations at the 2024 NDFRC meeting.


March 2024 Sonia Su and the American Chemical Society Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Communicating Culinary Chemistry Coastal Cuisine Competition

Sonia Su and her team Big Wave Salm’n were a winner in the March 2024 American Chemical Society (ACS), Agriculture and Food Chemistry Division: Communicating Culinary Chemistry Coastal Cuisine (AGFD C4) competition, held during the Spring ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA.  The winning entry, submitted by Team Big Wave Salm’n (April Huang, Viral Shukla, Sonia Su, Danielle Heaney) was a soy based Salm’n fish filet.

March  2024 Zhixin Wang and Halle Redfearn at the Future Food-Tech San Francisco Conference

It truly is a small world! Goddard group alumnus Zhixin Wang (Cornell PhD ’22), Food Technology Research Manager (North America) at Puratos (Pennsylvania), meets up with another Goddard group alumnus Halle Redfearn (Cornell PhD ’23), Food Scientist at Onego Bio (Helsinki, Finland), during a March Future Food-Tech San Francisco Conference.

Goddard group alumni Zhixin Wang (PhD ’22) and Halle Redfearn (PhD ’23) meet up at the 2024 Future Food-Tech San Francisco Conference.

April 2024 Amol Pagar Recipient of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Amol Pagar, Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Goddard group, has been awarded the prestigious 2023 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship. He will be working with the Castagnolo Group at the University College London (UK), working on projects to achieve sustainability by employing biocatalysts as an alternative to chemical reactions. Congratulations, Amol, on this well-deserved achievement and professional opportunity!

Amol Dilip Pagar, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Amol Pagar, Postdoctoral Research Associate, will be heading off to work with the Castagnolo research group at University College as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow.


November 2023 Friendship Donations Network Food Drive

Joshua Scott, GRA in the Goddard research group, lead a food drive for the Friendship Donations Network this November.  Graduate student offices participated in the drive, with the Goddard group making the most contributions to the effort (181 donations)!  Overall, more than 400 food and personal care items were donated by Food Science students this year.  For more information about the Friendship Donations Network and programs served by this organization in the Ithaca, NY area, visit Friendship Donations Network.

2023 food drive


food rve

November 2023 Congratulations, Ian Kay, PhD 2023!

Ian Kay and Julie Goddard

Ian Kay 2023

Ian Kay PhD 2023

October 2023 Halloween in Stocking Hall

Goddard office

June-August 2023 Summer Scholar Program

Christelle Rippen, Goddard group GRA, mentored Megan Jen this year as part of the CU Food Science Summer Scholar Program. Funded by the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute RIT), the project was presented during a Student Packaging Research “Keep it Fresh Food Waste” Symposium at Binghamton University, NY.   Local station Binghamton News Channel 34 interviewed them, which you can view here.

Summer Scholar Megan Jen

May 2023 Graduate Halle Redfearn

Halle Redfearn graduate 2023

Members of the Goddard and Nugen groups celebrate the achievement of our recent graduate, Dr. Halle Redfearn!

May 2023 Awards

This year one of the student voted departmental teaching awards was given to Sonia Su.  She received the Outstanding Graduate TA Honorable Mention.  Read more about this and other departmental awards here.

Sonia Su TA award 2023

February 2023 Grad Student Spotlight

The Feb 2023 CU Graduate Student Spotlight featured our own Sonia Su.  Learn more about her area of study and involvement in the MAC (Multicultural Academic Council) Peer Mentoring Program.  The Peer Mentoring Program is a collaboration between MAC and the Graduate School Office of Inclusion & Student Engagement.

Sonia Su CU MAC Peer Mentoring


June-August 2022 Cornell Food Science Summer Scholar Program

Yareliz Rivera, CFSSS participant in the Goddard lab this summer, presents her research project to develop a biocatalyst with improved stability within a wide range of processing conditions.

Yareliz Rivera

2022 Gordon Research Conference Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems

The Goddard and Nugen lab teams (both former and current members!) were well-represented during this year’s Gordon Research Conference, with our own Julie Goddard as one of the Chairs of the conference.

Back row: Elizabet Moreno Reyes, Joshua Scott, Bingcan Chen, Juhong Chen, Tom Kasputis, Yawen He

Front row: Karishni Veerabahu Pillai, Antje Bäumner, Julie Goddard, Ashlyn Eileen Lightbown

GRC Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems

So Proud!  May 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Hannah S. Zurier on an impressive job defending her dissertation research!  Profs Julie Goddard and Sam Nugen and the GNU-BIOENG group celebrated her success with a toast outside Stocking Hall.

Julie Goddard, Hannah Zurier, Sam Nugen

“Whip Up Your Proteins!”, Food Science Day at the Ithaca Sciencenter April 30, 2022!

Sonia Su and Joshua Scott volunteered at the Ithaca Sciencenter for their food science day (Saturday, April 30th, 2022) where they explained/demonstrated how foams can be made by whipping egg whites. The proteins in the egg whites denature upon mixing, leaving an entangled protein network to capture air molecules being mixed in – giving us a foam!  These Goddard group grad students had fun and shared knowledge about food chemistry while representing the CALS Food Science Department Food Science Community Outreach Committee.

Sonia Su and Joshua Scott

The Goddard Group February 2022

The Goddard research group Feb 2022

The Goddard research group in front of the CU Food Science Department, Stocking Hall, February 2022.


Goddard group meeting January 2022

Goddard meeting 2022

Goddard group meeting January 2022. Intriguing research topics to make your head spin!


BIOENG Group Fall Hike 2021

Outdoors, fresh air, soup & bread on a cold yet sunny November Sunday!   The Goddard and Nugen family hosted a group hike from their backyard through the Cornell Plantations Monkey Run Natural Area .  After a muddy yet fun trek, the group met back at Sam and Julie’s house for black bean soup, sausage kale soup, and bread.

BIOENG group fall hike

Goddard and Nugen groups, AKA “The BIOENG Family” take to the woods for a fall hike.


Goddard Group Summer 2021

Goddard group summer 2021

Katie Hufziger, Hannah Zurier, Zhixin Wang, Jose Hector Ramirez Suarez, Joshua Scott, Ian Kay, Elizabet Moreno Reyes, Autumn Rudlong, Julie Goddard.

May 2021 Graduation

Congratulations to the Unstoppable Class of 2021!

Congratulations to our own Noah Doshna Doshna on earning his Bachelor of Science Degree in Food Science!

Noah Doshna Bachelor of Science 2021 Noah Doshna Food Science grad

Goddard Group CALS Class of 2021 Undergraduate Student Noah Doshna

Cornell CALS has recognized our own Noah Doshna in a Spotlight feature story “Celebrating the CALS Class of 2021”  !  Read more about Noah’s journey as an undergraduate student at Cornell and his reflections on being a Cornellian.

Noah Doshna

Noah Doshna extruding polymer formulations.


Noah has worked with the Goddard team for a good part of his time at Cornell, delving into the world of antimicrobial material research.  You may have seen him in the lab before dawn taking bacterial growth curve measurements, up to his eyebrows in hundreds of poured agar plates needed for his experiments, or wrestling with the monster extruder to get it to behave.  He was independently awarded (twice!) research funds to help in his work, and we expect his research to be published soon.

Noah has quickly become a leader in our group, showing others how to use equipment, apply methodology, and analyze data, and has always been there to lend a hand with anything needed.   We wish him the best on the next stage of his professional journey!


March 2021

While we are still operating under a pandemic, the beat goes on in the Goddard group!Food Waste seminar

On March 12, 2021, Julie Goddard was a Keynote speaker and moderator at the eCornell event “Unwrapping Food Waste, Innovative Packaging Solutions” Joining her were Kai Robertson (Senior Corporate Sustainability Advisor and Food Waste Expert), Paola Appendini (Principal Packaging Engineer, Global Packaging, Mars Inc.), and Toby Thomas (President and CEO, SoFresh Inc.).  View a recording of the seminar here on YouTube.

Six Goddard group students had work published as of March, 2021.  Visit Julie Goddard’s Google Scholar page to find links to group research papers published in Bioconjugate Chemistry, Food and Bioproducts Processing, Journal of Appiled Polymer Science, and Journal of Food Science Education.


The COVD-19 pandemic may have changed the way the Goddard group had to work and interact, but it didn’t stop us from achieving our goals,  winning honors and awards, publishing cutting-edge research, and participating in outreach and other educational events.  Here’s just some of what happened:

January 2020

Autumn Rudlong visited Tamil Nadu Agricultural University along with rural farms and many small food producers while taking part in an immersive food production and development experience focused on developing nations (Cornell University course FDSC 6020/IARD 6020 International Agriculture in Developing Nations).

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India

2020 Autumn Rudlong, India

Julie Goddard received the Marcel Loncin Research Prize from IFT, which honors and awards selected scientists and engineers research funding for basic chemistry, physics, or engineering research applied to food processing and improvement of food quality.

July 9, 2020, Jason Lin and Julie Goddard (Cornell University assignee) published US Patent No. US20200216708A1, “Curable Polymeric Coatings for Functional Surface Preparations”.

Jason Lin

Jason Lin setting up a polymer synthesis apparatus.

Hannah Zurier, PhD candidate, published cutting edge research in ACS Applied Bio Materials “Engineering Biorthogonal Phage-Based Nanobots for Ultrasensitive, In Situ Bacteria Detection.  Hannah’s paper was featured as cover art!  Visit Julie Goddard’s Google Scholar page for links to additional published research on topics such as biodegredation of microplastics and active packaging solutions to reduce food waste.

Noah Doshna, Undergraduate Research Assistant II, earned 1st place in the 2020 IFT Undergraduate Research Competition for his undergraduate research project “Antimicrobial Active Packaging Synthesized Through Reactive Extrusion”.

Noah Doshna IFT URC win

Goddard group meetings during 2020 take on a new face

Goddard group meeting on Zoom Group meeting on Zoom

BioEng group facemasks make their debut

BioEng facemasks

BIOENG group face masks

Graduation, May 2020

Congratulations to Joshua Herskovitz on graduating in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic! Good wishes were still able to be provided by Dr. Goddard, with appropriate social distancing practiced!

Julie congratulates Joshua Herskovitz while practicing social distancing!


Graduation, December 2019

Congratulations to Jingjie Qi and Qinyuan Zhang (Zhandra) on graduating with Masters of Professional Studies!

Jingjie and Julie

Jingjie and Julie

Zhandra, Julie, Jingjie

Zhandra, Julie, Jingjie

Student Awards:  Spring 2019 Food Science Advisory Council

Noah Doshna, Joshua Herskovitz, and Zhixin Wang were among the CU Food Science Department students to receive recognition this year. Awards were presented during the Spring 2019 Food Science Advisory Council Meeting Award Ceremony for Undergraduate & Graduate Students and Excellence in Teaching.

Noah Doshna, winner of the Food Science Advisory Council Undergraduate Award, for excellence in academic achievement.

Zhixin Wang, winner of the Western New York Iinstitute of Food Technologists Award, in recognition of outstanding food science students who are members of the Western NY IFT division.

Joshua Herskovitz, winner of the JPA Scholarship Foundation in recognition of student interest in the fruit juice industry, sponsored by Welch’s.

Joshua Herskovitz, recipient of research support from the Henry and Ruth Herzog Graduate Research Fund.

Student Awards:  North Atlantic Regional IFTSA College Bowl

The Cornell Food Science College Bowl team won the North Atlantic Regional IFTSA College Bowl competition this year.

Hannah Zurier and the 7 other team members will compete this summer with seven other regional teams during the IFT 2019 annual meeting.


Celebrating our “littlest” lab member’s birthday!

Happy 9th birthday, Emma Ma!

14th Conference of Food Engineering (2018 CoFE), Minneapolis, MN

Professor Goddard presented “Clean Label Active Packaging” at the September, 2018 ISEKI-Food Association Conference of Food Engineering, held at Minneapolis, MN.

Congratulations to the 2018 Graduates!

Professor Goddard’s students: (second from left) Zhuangsheng (Jason) Lin, (fifth from left) Stephanie Andler, and (last on the right) Zhixin Wang

The whole group celebrates after the thesis defenses!

May 2018

Congratulations to Troy Hinkley and Stephanie Andler (GNU BIOENG group – Goddard Nugen PhD candidate team), who won this year’s Cornhole competition at the annual CU Food Science Department picnic!

April 2018

Congratulations to Jason Lin for receiving the Graduate Teaching Assistant Honorable Mention award from the Cornell University Department of Food Sciences!

February 2018

The Goddard and Nugen Bioeng Group held a fun baby shower for Jason, soon to be a new father!  Julie provided about 100 diapers (the amount Jason will need at least twice weekly!) which were made into a crazy diaper cake for Jason and his wife.  Congratulations, Jason!


August 2017

Josh Herskovitz, presenting his research at the 254th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, held August 20-24, 2017 in Washington, DC.

July 2017     Can you tell what is different between these two images?  We will miss Julia Wu, our MPS student with the amazing Photoshop talent that made this brain teaser possible!


The Bioeng Hot Pot dinner, now a group tradition!  A fun way to say farewell and best wishes to our friends, MPS students Julia Wu and San Ly and post doc Juhong Chen, who will soon be leaving to continue their career paths.

June 2017

IFT 2017

Jason, Maxine, Paul, Michael…a mini UMass reunion!

Jason presents his award-winning poster at the IFT annual meeting 2017 in Vegas.

Jason gives a talk on using active packaging to enable clean labeling with a group of packaging experts at IFT2017.

May 2017

Congratulations, Anne Hung and Paul Castrale, for successfully defending their Masters Thesis!

Paul Castrale

Anne Hung

Congratulations, Stephanie Andler, for winning the 2016-2017 Academic Year Cornell Food Science Department Outstanding TA award!

Josh Herskovitz cracks the incubator code!

Last year when the Goddard lab was outfitting their new location at Cornell, we obtained a previously used incubator from another lab at the University that had closed.  Unfortunately, the incubator requires a password to set the temperature, rotation, and incubation time, and no information could be found.

1 year later, PhD student Josh Herskovitz decided to crack the code!  Within minutes, he had the password figured out and the incubator going!  Thanks, Josh!  Why did we wait so long to ask for your help?


February 2016

Julie and Sam participate in 'Navigating Your Future' dual career panel.

Julie and Sam participate in ‘Navigating Your Future’ dual career panel.

2016 Ice skating2016-ice-skating

2016 Goddard Group in the Amherst Lab


2016 Congratulations, Maxine, for winning several AOCS Awards


2015 Maxine, Stephanie, and Julie chat with Peter Salmon at IFT


2015 Dana visits the USDA as part of her National Needs Fellowship


2015 Congressman James McGovern announces recent USDA grant


2015 Bioeng spring picnic


2015 Bioeng enjoys dim sum in Boston during -ACS


2014 Congratulations Dana and Maxine on winning awards at IFT


2014 Bioeng happy hour


2013 Bioeng celebrates Fangs defense
