This article discusses news and updates to fungicides labeled in NY since 2021, (re)introduce the major grapevine diseases in New York and relevant recent research findings, discuss cultural practices that can reduce disease inoculum in vineyards, and outline the basics of a strong management program at different growth stages. All sections of this document have been tweaked since its last publication in Spring 2021, however the sections that received the most updates are: fungicide news, biopesticides, evaluating a spray program, downy mildew, powdery mildew, and sour rot.
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Disclaimer: Please read the pesticide label prior to use. The information contained in this article is not a substitute for a pesticide label. Trade names used herein are for convenience only. No endorsement is intended for products mentioned, nor is lack of endorsement meant for products not mentioned. Application of a pesticide to a crop or site that is not on the label is a violation of pesticide law and may subject the applicator to civil penalties up to $7,500. In addition, such an application may also result in illegal residues that could subject the crop to seizure or embargo action by appropriate state authorities and/or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is your responsibility to check the label before using the product to ensure lawful use and obtain all necessary permits in advance of application.