Pink Pest Management Reminders

Pink Pest Management Reminders  Mike Basedow, CCE-ENYCHP and Andres Antolinez Delgado, HVRL In blocks with a history of OFM infestation, 1 or 2 traps checked at least weekly will help indicate the timing and relative size of the first generation population this year. What should be the response when the numbers start building? In a Read More…

CCE ENYCHP Tree Fruit Blog: Champlain Valley Bitter Pit Prediction and Storage Results

Mike Basedow and Lailiang Cheng   In 2022, a team of Cornell researchers and extension agents once again evaluated peel sap nutrient analysis and the passive method for their ability to predict bitter pit in Honeycrisp across the state. In this short article, we’ll discuss some of our initial findings from the Champlain Valley following our Read More…

Reminder: Many Neonicotinoid Pesticides Reclassified as Restricted Use in NYS as of January 1, 2023

In an effort to protect pollinator populations, the NYSDEC announced earlier this year that many pesticides containing neonicotinoids will be reclassified as restricted use starting in 2023. We are now approaching the start date of this reclassification. A full listing of neonicotinoid products effected by the decision are listed on the NYSDEC website here. In Read More…

USDA to Measure Cost of Pollination

Jordan Smith, 800-498-1518, The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will conduct its 2022 Cost of Pollination survey from November through December of 2022. The survey will be sent to nearly 16,000 producers nationwide. “Honey bees are important pollinators of crops ranging from almonds to zucchinis,” said King Whetstone, director of Read More…

Developments in Robotic Farm Technology

Check out this interesting video that was forwarded to us by Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie, a Cornell Assistant Professor of Weed Ecology and Management for Specialty Crops.  She attended the FIRA conference in Fresno, CA recently where much of this robotic technology was showcased.  Watch the video here: 

USDA Announces Assistance for On-Farm Food Safety Expenses for Specialty Crop Growers

USDA Announces Assistance for On-Farm Food Safety Expenses for Specialty Crop Growers Elisabeth Hodgdon, CCE ENYCHP Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plans to provide up to $200 million in assistance for specialty crop producers who incur eligible on-farm food safety program expenses to obtain or renew a food Read More…

Practical Implications of Early– and Mid-Summer Water Stress on Tree Growth, Cropping, and Physiology

Practical Implications of Early– and Mid-Summer Water Stress on Tree Growth, Cropping, and Physiology Alan N. Lakso, Terence L. Robinson, Luis Gonzalez, and Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell University The sunnier weather we experienced in June 2022 should have been good for photosynthesis and resulted in greater production of carbohydrates to support fruit growth compared to Read More…

Late Season Apple Insect Pests

Late Season Apple Insect Pests Art Agnello, Cornell University; edits by Michael Basedow, CCE ENYCHP and Monique J. Rivera, Cornell University As harvest preparations are being made, it is worth keeping in mind the late season arthropod pests that can still pop up and complicate life during the dog days of August. Take some time Read More…

NYS Farm Directory Launching in June 2022

CCE Staff, Ithaca, New York As part of Cornell Cooperative Extension’s role in strengthening New York State agriculture, we are helping to spread word of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets’ plans to launch a statewide online Farm Directory. The Farm Directory, which launches in mid-June, will connect consumers to producers of Read More…