Spring Orchard Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Spring Orchard Pre-Emergent Herbicides Mike Basedow and Janet van Zoeren If you weren’t able to get pre-emergent herbicides on in the fall, spring still presents a good time to get something out before many annuals start to germinate.  Below are some pre-emergent product recommendations to consider this spring. To help you select materials, have a Read More…

Lost in a Valley of Confusion: The State of Today’s Wholesale Apple Industry in the Hudson Valley; A Summary of Recent Producer Feedback

A commentary by Dan Donahue, CCE-ENYCHP, Hudson Valley During our winter fruit conference program in February 2020, Mike Basedow and I devoted the entire second day to the question of “What apple variety should I plant?” After a full day of listening to growers, marketers, nursery producers, and academics tackle the question from different angles, Read More…