Veg Weekly 9.25.2024

Veg Weekly Update 9/25/2024 All/multiple crops: It’s certainly felt like summer in the last couple of weeks and growers have had to continue irrigating in the absence of rain. On the plus side, the dry weather helps keep many diseases at bay, has pushed along growth of late season crops, and allowed for good harvesting Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 9.11.2024

All/multiple crops: As we approach peak u-pick season, it’s worth reading this short article from Rutger’s about what you can (and can’t) ask customers regarding service animals that they bring to your farm. Check out the short version here and the full length version here. The herbicide Dacthal and all other dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA) containing Read More…

Veg Weekly Update

All/multiple crops: Heavy dew and prolonged wetness in crop canopies as the season progresses will increase disease pressure into the fall. As noted below for cucurbits and other crops, growers are encouraged to maintain fungicide programs to protect crops before harvest and maintain quality. Alliums:  As noted last week, the fall flight of allium leafminer Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 8.22.2024

All/multiple crops:  From dry to wet – many crops and locations have seen a significant swing in their environmental conditions from very dry a couple weeks ago to now nearly too wet.  With this extra stress coupled with prolonged, heavy dews in the morning has a few more diseases showing up or at least getting Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 8.15.2024

Veg Weekly Update and Blog 8/14/2024 All/multiple crops: Post-tropical storm Debby brought high winds and heavy rain to some parts of eastern NY last week, causing damage to crops and farm structures. A new resource is now available to assist farms in preparing for future weather events, ‘A Guide to Preparing High Tunnels for Extreme Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 08.08.2024

Veg Weekly Update and Blog 8/5/2024 All/multiple crops: Spotted lanternfly (SLF) adults are showing up in multiple vegetable crops in Orange County. While their presence may be alarming, SLF populations typically do not cause serious injury to vegetable plants. However, SLF do pose a risk to many perennials like grapes and certain tree species. Growers Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 08.01.2024

Veg Weekly Update and Blog 7/31/2024 Alliums: Market garden onions continue to go down and are being brought in for drying. Keep an eye out for bacterial soft rot symptoms at harvest and discard onions with a soft outer layer. Brassicas: Heat stress symptoms are common in heading brassicas this time of year. Recently, we’ve fielded calls Read More…

Veg Weekly Update 7/24/2024

All/multiple crops: Wet weather is likely to continue to spread many diseases this week, so growers are advised to maintain a protectant fungicide on cucurbits and solanaceous crops in particular. As you reach the point of making multiple sprays of protectant fungicides, consider alternating modes of action if possible. Conventional growers should consider alternating chlorothalonil Read More…

Veg News: ENYCHP Update 6.14.2024

Alliums:  Garlic Harvest and Post-Harvest Considerations – Crystal Stewart-Courtens, ENYCHP Setting up for success at harvest:  As we move towards garlic harvest, there are a few things that growers can do to set themselves up for success. Careful water management, removing any diseased garlic from the field prior to harvest, and careful timing of the Read More…

Veg News: ENYCHP Weekly Update 8.10.2023

All/multiple crops: More rain this week is expected to exacerbate disease pressure that is already high this season. Many crops are experiencing nutrient deficiencies from rain leaching nutrients, delayed harvest/ripening, and overall poor growth due to saturated soils.  Alliums:  Leek moth damage is sporadic and overall low at many farms in the North Country this Read More…

Veg News: ENYCHP Weekly Update 8.2.2023

All/multiple crops: Please note the date change for the sweet corn and pumpkin IPM twilight meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 23rd.   For full details please visit Just some food for thought:  The question about foliar feeding vegetables comes up all the time.  Is there value in foliar feeding?  In times of Read More…

Veg News: ENYCHP Weekly Update 7.27.23

  All/multiple crops Tarnished plant bug (TPB), A.K.A. Lygus bug, feeding damage has been noted in the past week. In lettuce, brown, sunken scars appear along the ribs and is especially noticeable in romaine. In tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, feeding often occurs on new growth especially on flowers and buds which can cause flower drop Read More…