Weed of the Week: Oriental Bittersweet

Laura Griffen McDermott, Senior Extension Associate Oriental Bittersweet is one of the most destructive weeds that perennial crop farmers and landowners confront.  One of our readers encouraged us to include this challenging weed in our series, and because it has become such a problem for blueberry growers, we are focusing on it this week.    Celastrus Read More…

Reminder: Many Neonicotinoid Pesticides Reclassified as Restricted Use in NYS as of January 1, 2023

In an effort to protect pollinator populations, the NYSDEC announced earlier this year that many pesticides containing neonicotinoids will be reclassified as restricted use starting in 2023. We are now approaching the start date of this reclassification. A full listing of neonicotinoid products effected by the decision are listed on the NYSDEC website here. In Read More…