USDA Disaster Designation for New York Will Assist Farms Impacted by May Freeze 8/22 UPDATE for Farm Wineries

This article was republished from Morning Ag Clips: ALBANY — State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced that 31 counties across New York State have been designated as a primary natural disaster area by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) following the late May frost/freeze event. These designations mean that impacted farmers in Read More…

USDA Disaster Designation for New York Will Assist Farms Impacted by May Freeze

This article was republished from Morning Ag Clips: ALBANY — State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced that 31 counties across New York State have been designated as a primary natural disaster area by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) following the late May frost/freeze event. These designations mean that impacted farmers in Read More…

Online Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Train the Trainer Course Approved

Teresa Rusinek, Extension Specialist CCE Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program The WPS is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation intended to protect agricultural workers and pesticide handlers from risk of exposure. If you are an agricultural employer or manager, you must know your responsibilities under the WPS and provide WPS training and protections to employees. Read More…

Nourish New York – Now a Permanent Program in New York and a Market for Wholesale Produce

Elizabeth Higgins, Extension Associate CCE Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program At the end of 2021 Nourish NY became a permanent program in NYS Ag and Markets Law1.  The law requires the NYS Department of Agriculture to facilitate a connection between farmers and food banks to ensure that New York State agricultural products (dairy, fruit, Read More…

Developments in Robotic Farm Technology

Check out this interesting video that was forwarded to us by Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie, a Cornell Assistant Professor of Weed Ecology and Management for Specialty Crops.  She attended the FIRA conference in Fresno, CA recently where much of this robotic technology was showcased.  Watch the video here: 

NEW RESEARCH REPORT: How NY Farmers Adapted to New Farm Labor Overtime Requirements

by Richard Stup, Elizabeth Higgins, Jason Karszes, Bradley Rickard and Christopher Wolf New York farmers are putting much thought into adapting their businesses in response to the state’s farm labor overtime requirements. Cornell researchers are studying how farms adapted and continue to adapt to changing regulatory requirements and to an overall tight and competitive labor market. Read More…

New Regulations for the H2A Program Become Effective November 12, 2022

The final rule, which is available on the Federal Register, won’t be officially published there until Oct. 12, and it becomes effective Nov. 12. Changes to the program include governmental authority to ban some people from the program for misconduct, upgrades to worker housing requirements and inspections, updates to bond requirements for labor contractors, mandatory electronic Read More…