The Power of WHY

The Power of WHY, Dr. Bob Milligan, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University.

We all know that a child’s favorite word during the ‘Terrible Twos’ is “NO”! So, what becomes the favorite word of older children? Let me suggest it is “WHY”!

What’s going on inside the minds of children that ‘WHY’ becomes such a common response? Children are naturally inquisitive. What do they need to make better decisions? The answer is more information! How do they get more information? They ask “WHY?”

What happens as we become adults? Do we need or desire less information? I think not; however, we do learn that asking ‘WHY’ isn’t always the adult way to act. And so, we often jump to conclusions that what’s happening around us is unfair because we lack evidence of fairness. We’re missing the ‘WHY’!

What about employees? They’re especially unlikely to ask ‘WHY’ because they don’t want to seem confrontational toward ‘the Boss’. However, without a ‘WHY’ explanation, they often conclude that what they’re being told is unfair and become frustrated. Explaining ‘WHY’ is one of the easiest ways to enhance productivity, increase trust, foster self-confidence, and improve your relationship with your employees.

Source: The Power of WHY | Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development