Vegetable Blog: 2024 Spring ALM Update

On Friday March 29, 2024, Allium leafminer (ALM) activity was detected in a patch of cultivated chives growing in an Ulster County garden. This is the earliest we have detected ALM in the Hudson Valley.  Two weeks earlier ALM damage and adults were seen in high tunnels and overwintered onions in low tunnels, also in Read More…

Winter Vegetable Blog: Seed Production of Tomato, Annual Brassica, and Lettuce for On-Farm Use

Consider trying on-farm seed saving! Crystal Stewart-Courtens and Natasha Field As part of our Northeast-SARE funded seed production grant, we have been working with growers to identify which open-pollinated crops they may be able to grow for on-farm use to reduce seed cost and increase seed quality and availability. Open-pollinated varieties are those in which Read More…

Winter Veg Blog: Water Testing Requirements, Foliar Diseases in Winter Greens, Optimizing High Tunnel Production

Water Testing Requirements Learn more about water testing requirements on your farm under the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule (FSMA:PSR) for 2024. Rutgers Cooperative Extension has developed a user-friendly survey tool to help you determine if your farm falls under the FSMA PSR. Click here for more information. Foliar Diseases in Winter and Read More…

Winter Veg Blog: New Onion Research, 2022 USDA NASS Ag Census Data, Swede Midge and Sanitation Surveys, CCE is Hiring

Muck Onion Research on Strategies for Managing Stemphylium Leaf Blight and Palmer Amaranth With support from the New York Onion Research and Development Program, CCE ENYCHP specialist Ethan Grundberg completed a second year of research evaluating strategies for managing the foliar disease Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB) using biofungicides and for managing the pernicious pigweed species Read More…

Winter Vegetable Blog: Mite Control in Garlic, Small-Scale Potato Variety Trial, and More

Eriophyid Mite Control in Garlic Improves Using a Multi-Pronged Approach Crystal Stewart-Courtens, CCE-ENYCHP Vegetable Specialist Introduction to eriophyid mites:  Over the last few years more and more garlic growers have noticed their garlic degrading in storage due to eriophyid mite feeding. Eriophyid mites have been an issue in the US and Europe for decades and are Read More…

Winter Veg Blog: New broccoli varieties offer better adaptation to New York

Thomas Bjorkman, Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section Cornell AgriTech  In the last 15 years there has been an uncommon amount of breeding for our climate. Previously the attention went to varieties for California’s cool coastal summers or temperate desert winters. American breeding still overwhelmingly emphasizes those markets, but the new attention to Read More…