Tree Fruit News: Nutrient Management in Apple Orchards for the 2023 Growing Season  

Lailiang Cheng and Mike Basedow, Cornell Cooperative Extension Nutrient management plays a vital role in determining your orchard’s tree growth, yield, and fruit quality. Here are a few things to keep in mind when developing your orchard nutrition program this season.    Nitrogen:   The highest demand for nitrogen in the orchard occurs from petal fall to Read More…

Tree Fruit News: Scaffolds Digest, Week 3 

This post a is text digest of the new Scaffolds Podcast. To listen to the original, visit the following link: Scaffolds Podcast   Entomology Update with Monique Rivera   Let’s jump right in and talk about the idea of bulletproofing IPM programs. This is a topic of conversation probably everywhere in agriculture over the past couple of Read More…

Tree Fruit Blog: Managing Peach Blocks with No Crop  

Win Cowgill, Professor Emeritus Rutgers University Win Enterprises International, LLC   2023 has proven to be a difficult season weather wise, especially northern Peach growing states for peaches. February 4, minimum cold temperatures reached minus 12 to minus 16 in the NY Hudson Valley at some locations. Similar low temperatures in Massachusetts and Connecticut were observed. Read More…

Tree Fruit Blog: Diazinon and Ziram restrictions for the Canadian Market

Anna Wallis, Janet van Zoeren and Monique Rivera, Cornell Cooperative Extension & Cornell University CALS Program What are the actual regulations?  Diazinon and Ziram are two materials recently under scrutiny in tree fruit production. Diazinon is an organophosphate insecticide, that has been an effective management tool for pre-bloom control of San Jose Scale and post-bloom Read More…

New Produce Safety Factsheets Available for Hydroponics Producers

Elisabeth Hodgdon, Extension Specialist Cornell Cooperative Extension, ENYCHP Understanding how to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)’s Produce Safety Rule can be challenging for hydroponics and aquaponics producers. In response to an identified need for more tailored resources for this industry, the Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety (NECAFS) developed a set of Read More…

Tree Fruit News: Scaffolds Digest, Week 2 

This post is a text digest of the new Scaffolds Podcast. To listen to the original, visit the following link: Scaffolds Podcast   Entomology Update with Monique Rivera  Most of the state is still at silvertip and there is still time to get an early season oil applied. Three more reasons to consider applying this early Read More…

Allium Leaf Miner Alert for the Hudson Valley: Spring 2023

Teresa Rusinek, Extension Specialist Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension Adult ALM fly with distinctive yellow head alongside diagnostic line of pale green oviposition scars near tip of scallion leaf. Photo: E. Grundberg  On Wednesday April 5, 2023, Allium leaf miner (ALM) activity was detected in a patch of cultivated chives growing Read More…

Tree Fruit Blog: Promising Ag-Vision Technologies Highlighted at the CCE Statewide Virtual Apple Fruit Conference ‘What Is Possible Today and in the Future’ 

Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Lake Ontario Fruit Team Michael Basedow, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program This winter we were interested in the technological capabilities and solutions being offered by three vision system companies for precision crop load management in apples in 2023 and in the future. Our main goal Read More…

Online Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Train the Trainer Course Approved

Teresa Rusinek, Extension Specialist CCE Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program The WPS is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation intended to protect agricultural workers and pesticide handlers from risk of exposure. If you are an agricultural employer or manager, you must know your responsibilities under the WPS and provide WPS training and protections to employees. Read More…