Assessing the costs and returns of on-farm food safety improvements: A survey of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) training participants.

The cost of implementation is often cited as a primary barrier to implementing food safety practices in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) on the farm. Costs include infrastructure and equipment upgrades and time and labor to implement new practices and maintain recordkeeping systems.  The benefits of compliance with FSMA include maintaining and expanding existing market channel sales, accessing new markets and buyers, and strengthening of their farm brand to prospective buyers due to their food safety improvements. The researchers found the food safety benefit cost ratio for all farm size categories was above 1, indicating that, on average, the benefits of food safety improvements exceeded the costs, regardless of farm size. The average across all farms was 4.61 implying that the benefits received were 4.61 times that of their annual cost. There was a big difference between the benefit cost ratio for farms with a third-party audit (13.33) and without a third-party audit (1.57).

The Bottom Line No. 6

In this issue: Stop & Shop will be closing some stores in the Northeast focusing on reducing costs and prices to consumers. Consumers currently prefer fresh produce with longer shelf-lives and cabbage is having its moment! Learn about rice and honeyberry production – two new emerging crops for the region. Food safety investments tend to pay-off, especially if you have third party audits. Use NYS Business Express to identify what you need to start or expand a new venture and upcoming programs.

Crop Insurance Cost Estimator

USDA RMA has a tool to help you estimate what federal (RMA) crop insurance will cost. Here is the link to the estimator. It is not easy to find on their website and a little clunky to use, but you can compare different products head-to-head.

The Bottom Line No. 5

In this issue: Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Grant now open for applications. USDOL is focusing on heat-related hazards this season. Agritourism Survey. The US House and Senate have released versions of the Farm Bill. COVID-19 changes to tasting rooms can have lasting benefits on the bottom line. Crop Insurance premium estimator. Organic Certification Grant and Apple Marketing Order grant to increase sales and utilization of NYS apples. Upcoming programs.

Farm Provided Housing Guide

If you offer housing for your workers Cornell Ag Workforce Development has developed a guide to farm provided employee housing that can help you ensure that your housing is compliant with regulations. It also makes suggestions for effectively managing your employee housing.